#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0. # You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version # 1.0 of the CDDL. # # A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this # source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at # http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. # # # Copyright 2017 # # # The porpuse of this script is to help with basic and/or initial # network configuration for Illumos based distribution. However, # the script is developed specifically for OmniOS so there is no # garaunty that it will work on other Illumos based distributions # than Omnios. # import sys, subprocess, getopt def runcmd(cmd): process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) output, error = process.communicate(); return (output.rstrip(), error.rstrip()) class ParserError(Exception): pass class Parser: """ Parse nic information """ def __init__(self): self.__dladm1 = "dladm show-phys -p -o link,media | sed 's/:/ /g'" self.__dladm2 = "dladm show-phys -p -m -o link,address,inuse | sed 's/:/ /g' | sed 's/\\\[[:space:]]/:/g' | sed 's/\\\//g'" def __parse_nics(self, text): nics = {} for line in text.splitlines(): parts = line.split() #if parts[1] in ('Ethernet', 'Infiniband'): if parts[1] in ('Ethernet'): nics[parts[0]] = [parts[0], parts[1]] return nics def __parse_macs(self, obj, text): list = [] if obj: for line in text.splitlines(): parts = line.split() try: if parts[2] == 'yes': del obj[parts[0]] else: obj[parts[0]].append(parts[1]) except KeyError: pass for k, v in obj.items(): list.append(v) return list def parse(self): (nics, error) = runcmd(self.__dladm1) if error: raise ParserError(error) (macs, error) = runcmd(self.__dladm2) if error: raise ParserError(error) return self.__parse_macs(self.__parse_nics(nics), macs) def get_terminal_width(): try: if sys.version_info >= (2,7): width = int(subprocess.check_output(['tput', 'cols'])) else: (out, err) = runcmd('tput cols') if err: raise OSError(err); width = int(out) except OSError as e: print("Invalid Command 'tput cols': exit status ({1})".format(e.errno)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Command 'tput cols' returned non-zero exit status: ({1})".format(e.returncode)) else: return width def make_menu(interfaces): res = None while not res: sys.stderr.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[H") cols = get_terminal_width() intro = 'The following unconfigured interfaces was discovered' fill = (cols / 2) - (len(intro) / 2) print '{0:^{cols}}'.format('Simple network interface configuration tool', cols=cols) print print '{0:<{fill}}{1}'.format('', intro, fill=fill) print '{0:<{fill}}{1:>2} {2:^15} {3:^10} {4:^17}'.format('','#','Interface','Media','MAC',fill=fill) print '{0:<{fill}}{1:-^2} {2:-^15} {3:-^10} {4:-^17}'.format('','','','','',fill=fill) n = 0 for i in interfaces: print '{0:<{fill}}{1:>2} {2:<15} {3:<10} {4:>17}'.format('',n,i[0],i[1],i[2],fill=fill) n += 1 print print '{0:<{fill}}{1:<}'.format('','select interface number to configure:',fill=fill), nic = int(raw_input()) if nic >= n or nic < 0: print '{0:<{fill}}{1:<} {2:<}'.format('','Error: Interface: 0 <= # <',n,fill=fill), raw_input(' << Hit any key >>') else: res = interfaces[nic] return res def get_config(): ip = mask = gw = None nettype = raw_input('dhcp or static [dhcp]: ').lower() if nettype == 'static': while not ip: ip = raw_input('Enter IP: ') mask = raw_input('Enter netmask [24]: ') if not mask: mask = 24 gw = raw_input('Enter default route [0=no]: ') if not gw: gw = 0 return (ip,mask,gw) def usage(): print 'Usage: %s [options]' % sys.argv[0] print print '%s' % """Options: -h, --help This usage. -a, --address IP for interface. 0 means use DHCP -g, --gateway Default gateway. Optional. -i, --interface Interface to configure. -m, --netmask Netmask to use for interface. Default /24. -n, --nameserver Nameserver to use. Optional. -r, --record Output create commands to stdout.""" def parse_input(): options = () try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'ha:g:i:m:n:r', ['help', 'address=', 'gateway=', 'interface=', 'netmask=', 'nameserver=', 'record']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print str(err) usage() sys.exit(2) address = gateway = interface = netmask = nameserver = None record = False if opts: for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit(0) if o in ('-a', '--address'): address = a elif o in ('-g', '--gateway'): gateway = a elif o in ('-i', '--interface'): interface = a elif o in ('-m', '--netmask'): netmask = a elif o in ('-n', '--nameserver'): nameserver = a elif o in ('-r', '--record'): record = True else: assert False, 'Unhandled option' if not address or not interface: print 'Error: missing options' usage() sys.exit(2) if address == '0': address = None if not netmask: netmask = '24' options = (interface, address, netmask, gateway, nameserver) return options def main(): interactive = True options = parse_input() if options: interactive = False p = Parser() try: interfaces = p.parse() if interfaces: if interactive: nic = make_menu(interfaces) else: nic = options found = False for i in interfaces: if nic[0] == i[0]: found = True break if not found: err = '%s: No such interface' % nic[0] raise RuntimeError(err) if nic: if interactive: (ip,mask,gw) = get_config() else: ip = options[1] mask = options[2] gw = options[3] cmd = 'ipadm delete-if %s' % nic[0] if record: print cmd else: runcmd(cmd) cmd = 'ipadm create-if %s' % nic[0] if record: print cmd else: (out, err) = runcmd(cmd) if err: raise RuntimeError(err) if not ip: # use DHCP cmd = 'ipadm create-addr -T dhcp %s/v4' % nic[0] if record: print cmd else: (out, err) = runcmd(cmd) if err: raise RuntimeError(err) else: # use STATIC cmd = 'ipadm create-addr -T static -a %s/%s %s/v4' % (ip, mask, nic[0]) if record: print cmd else: (out, err) = runcmd(cmd) if err: raise RuntimeError(err) if gw: cmd = 'route -p add default %s' % gw if record: print cmd else: (out, err) = runcmd(cmd) if err: raise RuntimeError(err) if not record: cmd = 'netstat -rn -finet' (out, err) = runcmd(cmd) if err: raise RuntimeError(err) print 'New route table' print out if interactive: dns = raw_input('Configure DNS [n]? ').lower() else: dns = options[4] if not dns or dns == 'n': pass else: if interactive: dns = None print while not dns: dns = raw_input('Enter nameserver: ') cmd = "echo 'nameserver %s' >> /etc/resolv.conf " % dns cmd += '&& cp /etc/nsswitch.conf{,.bak} ' cmd += '&& cp /etc/nsswitch.{dns,conf}' if record: print cmd else: (out, err) = runcmd(cmd) if err: raise RuntimeError(err) else: print "Found no unassigned interfaces" except ParserError as e: print 'Parse Errror: %s' % e except RuntimeError as e: print 'Runtime Error: %s' % e if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[H")