package PVE::DHCPServer; use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw(croak); use Sys::Hostname; use Socket; use Socket6; use Net::DHCP::Packet; use Net::DHCP::Constants; use IO::Socket::IP; use IO::File; use IO::Select; use Sys::Syslog; use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock SEEK_END); use POSIX qw(EINTR setsid strftime); use Data::Dumper; use Time::Local; use constant { DEBUG => 0, INFO => 1, NOTICE => 2, WARNING => 3, ERROR => 4, CRITICAL => 5, ALERT => 6, EMERGENCY => 7, }; use Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(run); our @EXPORT_OK = ( 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'NOTICE', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'ALERT', 'EMERGENCY' ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( constants => [ 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'NOTICE', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'ALERT', 'EMERGENCY' ]); our $VERSION = '0.01'; our $NAME = 'PVE::DHCPServer'; my $time_to_die = 0; # generic signal handler to cause daemon to stop sub signal_handler { $time_to_die = 1; } $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{HUP} = \&signal_handler; # ignore any PIPE signal: standard behaviour is to quit process $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; sub new { my ($class, %self) = @_; # OOP stuff $class = ref($class) || $class; my $self = \%self; bless $self, $class; # private $self->{_sock_in_ip4} = undef; $self->{_sock_out_ip4} = undef; $self->{_sock_in_ip6} = undef; $self->{_sock_out_ip6} = undef; $self->{_leases} = undef; $self->{_reverse} = undef; $self->{_transaction_ip4} = 0; $self->{_transaction_ip6} = 0; # public $self->{log_file} ||= 'syslog'; $self->{lease_time} ||= 7200; $self->{subnet_mask} ||= undef; $self->{routers} ||= undef; $self->{broadcast_addr} ||= undef; $self->{domain_name} ||= undef; $self->{dns_servers} ||= undef; $self->{ntp_servers} ||= undef; $self->{LOG_LEVEL} ||= ERROR; $self->{NODAEMON} ||= 0; $self->{DEBUG} ||= 0; $self->{timeout} ||= 10; $self->{lease_file} ||= '/tmp/dhcpd.leases'; return $self; } sub run { my ($self) = @_; my ($sel, @ready, $socket); $self->logger("Starting dhcpd", INFO); if ($self->{NODAEMON} < 1) { $self->logger("Entering Daemon mode"); chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: $!"; umask 0; open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!"; open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; open STDERR, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; my $pid = fork; exit if $pid; do { my $err = $!; $self->logger("Couldn't fork: $err", ERROR); die "Couldn't fork: $err"; } unless defined($pid); POSIX::setsid() || do { my $err = $!; $self->logger("Can't start a new session: $err", ERROR); die "Can't start a new session: $err"; }; $self->logger("Now in Daemon mode", INFO); } my $res = $self->read_lease_file(); do { $self->logger("Couldn't read leases file '$self->{lease_file}'", ERROR); die "Couldn't read leases file '$self->{lease_file}'"; } unless $res; $self->logger("Initialization complete", INFO); # open listening socket $self->{_sock_in_ip4} = IO::Socket::IP->new( Domain => PF_INET, LocalPort => 67, LocalAddr => inet_ntoa(INADDR_ANY), Proto => 'udp' ) || do { my $err = $@; $self->logger("IP4 Socket creation error: $err", ERROR); die "IP4 Socket creation error: $err\n"; }; $self->{_sock_in_ip6} = IO::Socket::IP->new( Domain => PF_INET6, V6Only => 1, LocalPort => 547, LocalAddr => '::', Proto => 'udp' ) || do { my $err = $@; $self->logger("IP6 Socket creation error: $err", ERROR); die "IP6 Socket creation error: $err\n"; }; $sel = IO::Select->new($self->{_sock_in_ip4}); $sel->add($self->{_sock_in_ip6}); until ($time_to_die) { my $buf = undef; my $fromaddr; my $dhcpreq; eval { # catch fatal errors while (@ready = $sel->can_read) { $self->logger("Waiting for incoming packet", INFO); foreach $socket (@ready) { if ($socket == $self->{_sock_in_ip4}) { # receive ipv4 packet $fromaddr = $self->{_sock_in_ip4}->recv($buf, 4096) || $self->logger("recv: $!", ERROR); next if ($!); # continue loop if an error occured $self->{_transaction_ip4}++; # transaction counter { use bytes; my ($port,$addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($fromaddr); my $ipaddr = inet_ntoa($addr); $self->logger("Got a packet tr=$self->{_transaction_ip4} src=$ipaddr:$port length=".length($buf), INFO); } my $dhcpreq = new Net::DHCP::Packet($buf); $dhcpreq->comment($self->{_transaction_ip4}); my $messagetype = $dhcpreq->getOptionValue(DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE()); if ($messagetype eq DHCPDISCOVER()) { $self->discover_ip4($dhcpreq); } elsif ($messagetype eq DHCPREQUEST()) { $self->request_ip4($dhcpreq); } elsif ($messagetype eq DHCPINFORM()) { $self->logger("Not implemented: DHCPINFORM", WARNING); } elsif ($messagetype eq DHCPRELEASE()) { $self->release_ip4($dhcpreq); } else { $self->logger("Packet dropped", WARNING); # bad messagetype, we drop it } } else { # Receive ipv6 packet my $ipaddr; $fromaddr = $self->{_sock_in_ip6}->recv($buf, 4096) || $self->logger("recv: $!", ERROR); next if ($!); # continue loop if an error occured $self->{_transaction_ip6}++; # transaction counter $self->logger("recv: $buf", INFO); { use bytes; my ($port,$addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in6($fromaddr); $ipaddr = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, $addr); $self->logger("Got a packet tr=$self->{_transaction_ip6} src=$ipaddr:$port length=".length($buf), INFO); } $self->excuse_me_ip6($ipaddr, $buf); } } } }; # end of 'eval' blocks if ($@) { $self->logger("Caught error in main loop: $@", ERROR); } } $self->{_sock_in_ip4}->close; $self->{_sock_in_ip6}->close; $self->logger("Exiting dhcpd", INFO); } sub run_with_timeout { my ($self, $code, @param) = @_; die "got timeout" if $self->{timeout} <= 0; my $prev_alarm; my $sigcount = 0; my $res; local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $sigcount++; }; # catch alarm outside eval eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $sigcount++; die "got timeout"; }; local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { $sigcount++; die "broken pipe" }; local $SIG{__DIE__}; # see SA bug 4631 $prev_alarm = alarm($self->{timeout}); $res = &$code(@param); alarm(0); # avoid race conditions }; my $err = $@; alarm($prev_alarm) if defined($prev_alarm); die "unknown error" if $sigcount && !$err; # seems to happen sometimes die $err if $err; return $res; } sub lock { my ($self, $shared) = @_; my $mode = $shared ? LOCK_SH : LOCK_EX; my $lock_func = sub { if ($mode == LOCK_SH) { $self->{file_handle} = new IO::File ("<$self->{lease_file}") || die "can't open file for read - $!"; } else { $self->{file_handle} = new IO::File (">$self->{lease_file}") || die "can't open file write - $!"; } $self->logger("trying to aquire lock on '$self->{lease_file}'..."); if (!flock ($self->{file_handle}, $mode|LOCK_NB)) { my $success; while(1) { $success = flock($self->{file_handle}, $mode); # try again on EINTR (see bug #273) if ($success || ($! != EINTR)) { last; } } if ($mode == LOCK_SH) { seek($self->{file_handle}, 0, SEEK_END) or $success = 0; } if (!$success) { $self->logger(" failed"); die "can't aquire lock - $!"; } } $self->logger(" OK"); }; my $res; my $err = undef; eval { $res = $self->run_with_timeout($lock_func); }; if ($@) { $self->logger("can't lock file '$self->{lease_file}' - $@", ERROR); $self->{file_handle} = undef; return undef; } return $res; } sub unlock { my ($self) = @_; return '' unless($self->{file_handle}); my $unlock_func = sub { $self->logger("trying to unlock '$self->{lease_file}'..."); if (!flock($self->{file_handle}, LOCK_UN)) { my $success; while(1) { $success = flock($self->{file_handle}, LOCK_UN); # try again on EINTR (see bug #273) if ($success || ($! != EINTR)) { last; } } if (!$success) { $self->logger(" failed"); die "can't unlock - $!"; } } $self->logger(" OK"); }; my $res; my $err = undef; eval { $res = $self->run_with_timeout($unlock_func); }; if ($@) { $self->logger("can't lock file '$self->{lease_file}' - $@", ERROR); $self->{file_handle} = undef; $res = undef; } return $res; } sub convert_timestamp { my ($self, $timestamp, $strtotime) = @_; my ($res, $mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min, $sec); $self->logger("Timestamp: $timestamp"); if ($strtotime) { if ($timestamp !~ /^\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/) { $self->logger("$timestamp: Bad format", ERROR); $res = undef; } else { ($year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec) = split(/[\s\/:]+/, $timestamp); $res = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon-1,$year); } } else{ if ($timestamp !~ /^\d+$/) { $self->logger("$timestamp: Bad format", ERROR); $res = undef; } else { ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime($timestamp); $self->logger("Timestamp: $sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year"); $res = sprintf("%d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", ($year+1900),($mon+1),$mday,$hour,$min,$sec); $self->logger("Timestamp: $res"); } } return $res; } sub add_lease { my ($self, $ip, $lease) = @_; my $ts; my $mac = $lease->{'hardware ethernet'}; $mac =~ tr/://d; $lease->{'hardware ethernet'} = $mac; $ts = $self->convert_timestamp($lease->{starts}, 1); return unless $ts; $lease->{starts} = $ts; $ts = $self->convert_timestamp($lease->{ends}, 1); return unless $ts; $lease->{ends} = $ts; $self->{_leases}->{$ip} = $lease; $self->{_reverse}->{$mac} = $ip; $self->logger("$mac =>\n" . Dumper($self->{_reverse}->{$mac})); } #lease { # starts yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss; # ends yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss; # binding state active|free; # hardware ethernet MAC; # client-hostname "name" #} sub read_lease_file { my ($self) = @_; my ($res, $key, $lease); my $error = 0; $self->lock(1); if ($self->{file_handle}) { my $fh = $self->{file_handle}; my @lines = <$fh>; foreach (@lines) { $self->logger("Read: $_"); if ($_ =~ /^\s*lease\s+([\d\.]+)\s+{\s*/) { $self->add_lease($key, $lease) if $lease; $key = $1; $lease = undef; $error = 0; $self->logger("Key: $key"); } else { next if $error; next if ($_ =~ /^\s*}\s*/ || $_ =~ /^\s*$/ || $_ =~ /^\s*#.*/); if ($_ =~ /^\s*(starts|ends|binding state|hardware ethernet|client-hostname)\s+(.+)\s*;/) { $lease->{$1} = $2; $self->logger("Key: $1 Value: $2"); } else { $key = 'UNDEF' unless $key; $self->logger("$key: Bad format", ERROR); $key = undef; $lease = undef; $error = 1; } } } if ($lease && !$error) { $self->logger("Key: $key"); $self->add_lease($key, $lease); } $self->logger("Leases data structure: \n" . Dumper($self->{_leases})); $self->unlock(); $res = 1; } else { $self->logger("Could not read leases file", ERROR); $res = 0; } return $res; } sub write_lease_file { my ($self) = @_; my $res; $res = $self->lock(0); if ($self->{file_handle}) { my $fh = $self->{file_handle}; while ((my $lease, my $elems) = each $self->{_leases}) { $self->logger("Writing: $lease"); print $fh "lease $lease {\n"; while ((my $key, my $val) = each %$elems) { if ($key =~ /^(starts|ends)$/) { $val = $self->convert_timestamp($val, 0); } $self->logger("Writing: $key $val"); print $fh "\t$key $val;\n"; } print $fh "}\n"; } $self->unlock(); $res = 1; } else { $self->logger("Could not write leases file", ERROR); $res = 0; } return $res; } sub logger { my ($self, $message, $level) = @_; $level = DEBUG unless ($level); return unless ($level >= $self->{LOG_LEVEL}); $level = "debug" if $level eq DEBUG; $level = "info" if $level eq INFO; $level = "notice" if $level eq NOTICE; $level = "warning" if $level eq WARNING; $level = "err" if $level eq ERROR; $level = "crit" if $level eq CRITICAL; $level = "alert" if $level eq ALERT; $level = "emerg" if $level eq EMERGENCY; if ($self->{DEBUG}) { print STDOUT strftime "[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S] ", localtime; print STDOUT "$level: $message\n"; } elsif ($self->{log_file} eq 'syslog') { openlog($NAME, 'ndelay,pid', 'user'); syslog($level, $message); closelog(); } else { my $fh = new IO::File; if (! $fh->open("> $self->{log_file}")) { croak "$self->{log_file}: $!"; } print $fh strftime "[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S] ", localtime; print $fh "$level: $message\n"; undef $fh; } } sub add_options { my ($self, $dhcpresp) = @_; if ($self->{lease_time}) { $dhcpresp->addOptionValue(DHO_DHCP_LEASE_TIME, $self->{lease_time}); } if ($self->{subnet_mask}) { $dhcpresp->addOptionValue(DHO_SUBNET_MASK, $self->{subnet_mask}); } if ($self->{routers}) { $dhcpresp->addOptionValue(DHO_ROUTERS, $self->{routers}); } if ($self->{broadcast_addr}) { $dhcpresp->addOptionValue(DHO_BROADCAST_ADDRESS, $self->{broadcast_addr}); } if ($self->{domain_name}) { $dhcpresp->addOptionValue(DHO_DOMAIN_NAME, $self->{domain_name}); } if ($self->{ntp_servers}) { $dhcpresp->addOptionValue(DHO_NTP_SERVERS, $self->{ntp_servers}); } if ($self->{dns_servers}) { $dhcpresp->addOptionValue(DHO_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS, $self->{dns_servers}); } } sub discover_ip4 { my ($self, $dhcpreq) = @_; my ($calc_ip, $req_addr, $dhcpresp); my $res; # calculate address $calc_ip = ""; $self->logger("Got request\n".$dhcpreq->toString()); $self->{_sock_out_ip4} = IO::Socket::IP->new( Broadcast => 1, PeerPort => 68, PeerAddr => inet_ntoa(INADDR_BROADCAST), Proto => 'udp' ) || do { my $err = $@; $self->logger("[discover_ip4] Socket creation error: $err", ERROR); die "[discover_ip4] Socket creation error: $err\n"; }; $req_addr = $dhcpreq->getOptionValue(DHO_DHCP_REQUESTED_ADDRESS()); $req_addr = '' unless $req_addr; $self->logger("Requested IP: $req_addr", INFO); $res = $self->read_lease_file(); $res = $self->write_lease_file(); if ($res && ($req_addr =~ /^$/ || $calc_ip eq $req_addr)) { $dhcpresp = new Net::DHCP::Packet( Comment => $dhcpreq->comment(), Op => BOOTREPLY(), Hops => $dhcpreq->hops(), Xid => $dhcpreq->xid(), Flags => $dhcpreq->flags(), Ciaddr => $dhcpreq->ciaddr(), Yiaddr => $calc_ip, Siaddr => $dhcpreq->siaddr(), Giaddr => $dhcpreq->giaddr(), Chaddr => $dhcpreq->chaddr(), DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE() => DHCPOFFER(), DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER() => $self->{_sock_out_ip4}->sockhost ); $self->add_options($dhcpresp); } else { # bad request, we send a NAK $dhcpresp = new Net::DHCP::Packet( Comment => $dhcpreq->comment(), Op => BOOTREPLY(), Hops => $dhcpreq->hops(), Xid => $dhcpreq->xid(), Flags => $dhcpreq->flags(), Ciaddr => $dhcpreq->ciaddr(), Yiaddr => "", Siaddr => $dhcpreq->siaddr(), Giaddr => $dhcpreq->giaddr(), Chaddr => $dhcpreq->chaddr(), DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE() => DHCPNAK(), DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE(), "Bad request...", ); } $self->logger("Sending response to " . $self->{_sock_out_ip4}->peerhost . ':' . $self->{_sock_out_ip4}->peerport, INFO); # Socket object keeps track of whom sent last packet # so we don't need to specify target address $self->logger($dhcpresp->toString()); $self->logger("Sending OFFER tr=".$dhcpresp->comment(), INFO); $self->{_sock_out_ip4}->send($dhcpresp->serialize()) || die "Error sending OFFER: $!\n"; } sub request_ip4 { my ($self, $dhcpreq) = @_; my ($calc_ip, $dhcpresp, $peeraddr, $result); $calc_ip = ""; $peeraddr = $dhcpreq->ciaddr() ? $dhcpreq->ciaddr() : inet_ntoa(INADDR_BROADCAST); $self->{_sock_out_ip4} = IO::Socket::IP->new( Broadcast => 1, PeerPort => 68, PeerAddr => $peeraddr, Proto => 'udp', ) || do { my $err = $@; $self->logger("[request_ip4] Socket creation error: $err", ERROR); die "[request_ip4] Socket creation error: $err\n"; }; # compare calculated address with requested address if ($calc_ip eq $dhcpreq->getOptionValue(DHO_DHCP_REQUESTED_ADDRESS())) { # address is correct, we send an ACK $dhcpresp = new Net::DHCP::Packet( Comment => $dhcpreq->comment(), Op => BOOTREPLY(), Hops => $dhcpreq->hops(), Xid => $dhcpreq->xid(), Flags => $dhcpreq->flags(), Ciaddr => $dhcpreq->ciaddr(), Yiaddr => $calc_ip, Siaddr => $dhcpreq->siaddr(), Giaddr => $dhcpreq->giaddr(), Chaddr => $dhcpreq->chaddr(), DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE() => DHCPACK(), DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER() => $self->{_sock_out_ip4}->sockhost, ); $self->add_options($dhcpresp); $result = 'ACK'; } else { # bad request, we send a NAK $self->write_lease_file(); $dhcpresp = new Net::DHCP::Packet( Comment => $dhcpreq->comment(), Op => BOOTREPLY(), Hops => $dhcpreq->hops(), Xid => $dhcpreq->xid(), Flags => $dhcpreq->flags(), Ciaddr => $dhcpreq->ciaddr(), Yiaddr => "", Siaddr => $dhcpreq->siaddr(), Giaddr => $dhcpreq->giaddr(), Chaddr => $dhcpreq->chaddr(), DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE() => DHCPNAK(), DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE(), "Bad request...", ); $result = 'NAK'; } $self->logger("Sending response to " . $self->{_sock_out_ip4}->peerhost . ':' . $self->{_sock_out_ip4}->peerport, INFO); # Socket object keeps track of whom sent last packet # so we don't need to specify target address $self->logger($dhcpresp->toString()); $self->logger("Sending $result tr=".$dhcpresp->comment(), INFO); $self->{_sock_out_ip4}->send($dhcpresp->serialize()) || die "Error sending ACK/NAK: $!\n"; } sub release_ip4 { my ($self, $dhcpreq) = @_; $self->logger($dhcpreq->toString()); $self->write_lease_file(); } sub excuse_me_ip6 { my ($self, $addr, $dhcpreq) = @_; $self->logger("IPv6 request from [$addr]: $dhcpreq", INFO); $self->{_sock_out_ip6} = IO::Socket::IP->new( Domain => PF_INET6, V6Only => 1, Broadcast => 1, PeerPort => 546, PeerAddr => $addr, Proto => 'udp', ) || do { my $err = $@; $self->logger("[excuse_me_ip6] Socket creation error: $err", ERROR); die "[excuse_me_ip6] Socket creation error: $err\n"; }; $self->logger("$addr: Not implemented here", INFO); $self->{_sock_out_ip6}->send("Not implemented here") || die "Error sending excuse: $!\n"; } 1;