amavisd_db_host = ""; $CFG->amavisd_db_port = 3306; $CFG->amavisd_db_name = "amavisd"; $CFG->amavisd_db_user = "amavisd"; $CFG->amavisd_db_password = "suFt3oEEmmXTjFq1bjTXRNIPXhF41a"; $CFG->amavis_policy_port = 9998; // LDAP $CFG->ldap_dsn = "ldap://"; $CFG->ldap_base_dn = "o=domains,dc=datanom,dc=net"; // wblistadm server $CFG->wblistadm_url = ""; $CFG->root = '/usr/share/quarantine-admin/'; $CFG->wwwroot = '/qtadmin/'; // HTTP_AUTH or LDAP $CFG->auth_method = 'LDAP'; // If HTTP_AUTH is chosen configure admin user here //$CFG->admin_user = 'some_admin'; $CFG->db_driver = 'mysqli'; $DB = null; // Session timeout in minuts // Default timeout is 20 minuts $CFG->session_timeout = 60; // Log level // 0 = no logging // 1 = error // 2 = warning // 3 = info // 4 = debug // Default log level is error $CFG->log_level = 3; // Log method // stderr = Log to stand error // file = Log to file. Requires write permission // syslog = syslog // Default log method is syslog $CFG->log_method = 'syslog'; // File to log to if log method is file // Both relative and absolut path is accepted // If path is relative root is $CFG->root // Default file is $CFG->root.qtadmin.log $CFG->log_file = 'qtadmin.log'; ?>