= 5.1.3 is required to run this application"); } error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 0); session_start(); $root = getcwd(); chdir('..'); $top = getcwd(); chdir($root); ini_set('include_path', "$top:$top/navigate:$top/utils:$top/include:$top/caldav:$top/caldav/awl:$top/templates:$top/events"); include_once "$top/utils/timezone.php"; include_once "$top/utils/helper.php"; $db_drivers = array('sqlite','pgsql'); /* Test for an existing config.inc.php */ function remove_config() { if (file_exists("../config.inc.php")) { $postfix = date("c"); copy("../config.inc.php", "../$postfix-config.inc.php"); unlink("../config.inc.php"); } } $config_inc = <<<_CONFIG /******************************************************************* * Change only below this line. * But in generel you should not changes these settings * except via the setup script. ******************************************************************/ define('TITLE', __TITLE__); define('TIMEZONE', __TIMEZONE__); define('ERROR_DISPLAY', __ERROR_DISPLAY__); define('ERROR_LOG', __ERROR_LOG__); define('LOG_FILE', __LOG_FILE__); define('TOP_FOLDER', __TOP_FOLDER__); /* / at the end of WEB_ROOT is mandatory */ define('WEB_ROOT', __WEB_ROOT__); define('DBDRIVER', __DBDRIVER__); define('DNS', __DNS__); define('ADMIN_MAIL', __ADMIN_MAIL__); /* Settings which can be change by individual users. * Settings are change in config from the menu */ define('VIEW_STYLE', __VIEW_STYLE__); define('TIMEOUT', __TIMEOUT__); define('WEEK_START_SUNDAY', __WEEK_START_SUNDAY__); define('START_HOUR', __START_HOUR__); define('END_HOUR', __END_HOUR__); /******************************************************************* * Do not change below this line * All changes should be done above ******************************************************************/ require_once 'include/user_settings.inc.php'; require_once 'utils/authenticate.php'; require_once 'utils/helper.php'; session_cache_limiter('private'); if (isset(\$_COOKIE['WEBCAL_EXPIRE'])) { \$expire = \$_COOKIE['WEBCAL_EXPIRE']; session_cache_expire(\$expire); unset(\$_COOKIE['WEBCAL_EXPIRE']); setcookie('WEBCAL_EXPIRE', FALSE); } else session_cache_expire(TIMEOUT); session_start(); header('Cache-Control: private'); \$_SESSION['WEB_ROOT'] = WEB_ROOT; error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_USER_NOTICE); if (isset(\$_SESSION['user_settings'])) { ini_set('date.timezone', \$_SESSION['user_settings']->getTimezone()); } else if (defined('TIMEZONE')) { ini_set('date.timezone', TIMEZONE); } else { ini_set('date.timezone', 'Etc/UTC'); } if (defined('ERROR_DISPLAY')) { if (ERROR_DISPLAY) { ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); } else { ini_set('display_errors', 'off'); } } if (defined('ERROR_LOG') && ERROR_LOG) { ini_set('log_errors', 'on'); ini_set('error_log', LOG_FILE); } if (! isset(\$_SESSION['isTimeout'])) { if (isset(\$_SESSION['user_settings'])) \$_SESSION['user_settings']->isTimeout(); } else unset(\$_SESSION['isTimeout']); _CONFIG; $config_apache = <<<_CONFIG Alias __ALIAS__ "__TOP__" Options Multiviews SymLinksIfOwnerMatch php_value include_path '.:__TOP__:__TOP__navigate:__TOP__utils:__TOP__include:__TOP__caldav:__TOP__caldav/awl:__TOP__templates:__TOP__events' _CONFIG; $htaccess = <<<_HTACCESS Options None Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from ::1/128 _HTACCESS; $head = <<<_HEAD Web Calendar Installation
calendar.png Setup DAViCal Web Calendar
- A Web Interface for DAViCal
_HEAD; $foot = <<<_FOOTER _FOOTER; function shutdown() { global $head, $foot; $isError = false; if ($error = error_get_last()) { switch($error['type']) { case E_ERROR: case E_CORE_ERROR: case E_COMPILE_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: $isError = true; break; } } if ($isError) { print $head; print '
'; if ($error['message'] == "Class 'PDO' not found") { echo '

This install cannot continue because the module PDO is not installed

'; } else echo "

Script execution halted ({$error['message']})

"; print '
'; print $foot; } remove_config(); } register_shutdown_function('shutdown'); function get_server_timezone() { $tz_abbr = date('T'); return timezone_name_from_abbr($tz_abbr); } function stage_1() { switch ($_POST['driver']) { case 'sqlite': $dns = <<<_DNS Database file _DNS; break; case 'pgsql': $dns = <<<_DNS Below you will find reasonable default values for most.
database name: Name of an exiting database used as template
on Postgresql this database is normally named template1
You should normally not need any other information than the following:
postgresql dba: An existing postgresql user with permission to create
new databases and users.
postgresql dba password: Password for this user
Password for webcal admin: Password for the webcal admin user
host port database name postgresql dba postgresql dba password _DNS; break; } return <<<__FORM

Setup: Stage 1/4

Password for webcal admin
Repeat Password
__FORM; } function stage_2($top, $root) { include_once "$top/utils/persistens.php"; global $timezones, $VERSION; $dns = ''; $tz = ''; try { if ($_POST['pwd1'] != $_POST['pwd2']) throw new Exception("Password does not compare"); if ($_POST['driver'] == 'sqlite') { $dns = $_POST['dns']; $db = Persistens::getInstance($_POST['driver'], "$top/$dns"); $name = NULL; $pwd = NULL; } else { $dns = "host={$_POST['dns'][0]} port={$_POST['dns'][1]} dbname={$_POST['dns'][2]} user={$_POST['dns'][3]} password={$_POST['dns'][4]}"; $db = Persistens::getInstance($_POST['driver'], $dns); $name = "webcal"; $user = "webcal"; $pwd = $_POST['pwd1']; $db->initDatabase($name, $pwd); $db = NULL; $dns = "host={$_POST['dns'][0]} port={$_POST['dns'][1]} dbname=$name user=$user password=$pwd"; $db = Persistens::getInstance($_POST['driver'], $dns); //throw new Exception(var_export($dns, true)); } $db->createDatabase($name); $db->execute("insert into about (version) values ('$VERSION')"); $data['uid'] = 'admin'; $data['pwd'] = sha1($_POST['pwd1']); $data['timezone'] = get_server_timezone(); $data['userrole'] = 0; $data['seckey'] = ''; $data['pubkey'] = ''; $data['timeout'] = 15 * 60; $data['view'] = 'week'; $data['week_start'] = false; $data['start'] = 8; $data['end'] = 17; $db->newUser($data); } catch (Exception $ex) { remove_config(); $result = "

stage2: {$ex->getMessage()}

"; $result .= "

"; return $result; } $config['DBDRIVER'] = $_POST['driver']; $config['DNS'] = $dns; $_SESSION['config'] = $config; foreach ($timezones as $timezone) { $tz .= "