"; private $view_head_sunday = " "; private $view_head_monday = " "; private $view_head_day = " "; function __construct($root, $start_hour, $end_hour, $start_sunday = FALSE) { self::$start_sunday = $start_sunday; self::$root = $root; self::$start_hour = $start_hour; self::$end_hour = $end_hour; } protected function applyLegend() { $calenders = $_SESSION['user_settings']->getCalendars(); $legend = '

'; foreach ($calenders as $calender) { $legend .= '[   :' . $calender->name . ']'; } $legend .= '

'; $legend .= <<<_HELP

Events outside configured range is only displayed when Day or Week view is active

_HELP; return $legend; } protected function getViewHead($kindOf) { switch ($kindOf) { case 'month': $return = $this->heading.''; if (self::$start_sunday) $return .= $this->view_head_sunday; else $return .= $this->view_head_monday; return $return; break; case 'week': if (self::$start_sunday) { $head = str_replace('', '
__DATE__', $this->view_head_sunday); } else { $head = str_replace('', '
__DATE__', $this->view_head_monday); } $head = '' . $head; return $this->heading . $head; break; case 'day': $return = $this->heading . ''; return $return . $this->view_head_day; break; default: trigger_error("$kindOf: ['month', 'week', 'day']", E_USER_ERROR); } } /* * Function get_week_number which returns the week number of the * given date according to ISO 8601-1988 * http://www.php.happycodings.com/Date_Time/code22.html */ protected function is_leap_year($year) { if ((($year % 4) == 0 and ($year % 100)!=0) or ($year % 400)==0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } /* define ISO_WEEK_START_WDAY 1 // Monday * define ISO_WEEK1_WDAY 4 // Thursday * define YDAY_MINIMUM (-366) * int big_enough_multiple_of_7 = (-YDAY_MINIMUM / 7 + 2) * 7; * return (yday - (yday - wday + ISO_WEEK1_WDAY + * big_enough_multiple_of_7) % 7 + ISO_WEEK1_WDAY - * ISO_WEEK_START_WDAY); */ private function iso_week_days($yday, $wday) { return $yday - (($yday - $wday + 382) % 7) + 3; } protected function get_week_number($timestamp) { $d = getdate($timestamp); $days = $this->iso_week_days($d[ "yday"], $d[ "wday"]); if ($days < 0) { $d[ "yday"] += 365 + $this->is_leap_year(--$d[ "year"]); $days = $this->iso_week_days($d[ "yday"], $d[ "wday"]); } else { $d[ "yday"] -= 365 + $this->is_leap_year($d[ "year"]); $d2 = $this->iso_week_days($d[ "yday"], $d[ "wday"]); if (0 <= $d2) { /* $d["year"]++; */ $days = $d2; } } $adjust = 1; $day = date('w'); if ($_SESSION['user_settings']->getStartWeek() === true && $day == 0) $adjust = 2; return (int)($days / 7) + $adjust; } protected function getStartDay($year, $month) { /* date('w') returns start day counting from Sunday */ $start = date('w', mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); return $start; } protected function isToDay($year, $month, $day) { return ($year == date('Y') && $month == date('n') && $day == date('j')); } protected function lastDayInWeek($year, $week) { $weekEndDay = 0; // 0 = Sunday. $dayOfYear = 4 + (($week - 1) * 7); $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, $dayOfYear, $year); // Find the last day of this week. $dayOfWeek = date("w", $date); $daysToAdd = ($weekEndDay - $dayOfWeek + 7) % 7; $date += $daysToAdd * 24*60*60; return (self::$start_sunday) ? $date - (24*60*60) : $date; } protected function dateFromDayInYear($year, $day) { $now = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year); return date('l, j F', strtotime("+$day days", $now)); } protected function makeSummary($infos) { $summary = 'Title: '; $summary .= (isset($infos['summary']) && ! empty($infos['summary'])) ? $infos['summary'] : 'Untitled'; $summary .= "\n"; $summary .= 'Date: '; $start = strtotime($infos['dates'][0]['start']); $date = date("D j M Y", $start); $end = strtotime($infos['dates'][0]['end']); $summary .= $date . ' ' . date("G:i", $start) . ' - ' . date("G:i", $end); return $summary; } protected function makeEvent($cell, $uri, $infos) { $history = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $summary = (isset($infos['summary']) && ! empty($infos['summary'])) ? $infos['summary'] : 'Untitled'; $history .= (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) ? '' : '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; //$url = WEB_ROOT . 'events/edit_event.php?etag='. $uri; $url = 'etag='. $uri.'&referer='.$history.'&cal='.$infos['cal']; $url = WEB_ROOT . 'events/edit_event.php?' . urlencode($url); $c = ''.$summary.''; return ($cell != '') ? "$cell
$c" : $c; } protected function getEvents($range) { $list = array(); $all_events = array(); $cals = $_SESSION['user_settings']->getCalendars(); //file_put_contents('/tmp/davical.log', // __FILE__ . ": " . var_export($cals, TRUE), FILE_APPEND); if (! $cals) return NULL; $start = CaldavRessource::timestamp2ICal($range['start'], TRUE); if ($_SESSION['user_settings']->getStartWeek() === FALSE) { $datetime = explode('T', $start); //print_r($datetime); $day = $datetime[0] + 1; $start = $day.'T'.$datetime[1].'Z'; } $end = CaldavRessource::timestamp2ICal($range['end'], TRUE); $datetime = explode('T', $end); $end = $datetime[0].'T'.'235959Z'; //print "$start:$end
"; foreach ($cals as $cal) { //var_dump($cal); $conf = implode_cal(decode($cal->config)); //var_dump($conf); $events = new Calendar($conf['url'], $conf['uid'], $conf['pwd']); //print_r($events); $events->getComponents($start, $end); //print_r($events); $all_events[$cal->name] = $events; foreach ($events as $event) { $dates = $event->getActiveDates(); //file_put_contents('/tmp/davical.log', //__FILE__ . ": " . var_export($dates, TRUE), FILE_APPEND); //var_dump($dates); $comp = $event->getBaseComponent(); //print_r($comp); $summary = $comp->GetPValue('SUMMARY'); $item = array(); $dtend = explode('T', $comp->GetPValue('DTEND')); //print_r($comp->GetPValue('DTEND')); //print "
"; //print_r($dtend); //print "
"; //print_r($dates); //print "
"; if (count($dates) > 0) { foreach ($dates as $date) { //print_r($date); //print "
"; //$datetime = explode('T', $date); //print_r($dtend); //print "
"; //if (count($datetime) > 1) { if (count($dtend) > 1) { //if (count($dtend) < 2) // array_push($dtend, '235959'); //$endtime = $datetime[0].'T'.$dtend[1]; $endtime = $dtend[0].'T'.$dtend[1]; } else { //$endtime = $datetime[0]; $day = strtotime($dtend[0]); $day = strtotime("-1 day", $day); $endtime = date("Ymd\T235959", $day); //$endtime = $endtime."T235959"; //$endtime = $dtend[0]."T000000"; } //print "$date:$endtime
"; array_push($item, array('start' => $date, 'end' => $endtime)); } $list[$event->getEtag()] = array('color' => $cal->color, 'summary' => $summary, 'dates' => $item, 'cal' => $cal->name); } } } $_SESSION['all_events'] = $all_events; //var_dump($list); return $list; } protected abstract function parseDate(); protected abstract function getHead(); public abstract function getView($year = NULL, $other = NULL); } class PageView extends View { const DAY = 0; const WEEK = 1; const MONTH = 2; function __construct($root, $start_hour, $end_hour, $start_sunday = FALSE) { parent::__construct($root, $start_hour, $end_hour, $start_sunday); } public function createView($view) { switch ($view) { case (self::DAY): return new DayView(); break; case (self::WEEK): return new WeekView(); break; case (self::MONTH): return new MonthView(); break; default: trigger_error("$view: ['MONTH', 'WEEK', 'DAY']", E_USER_ERROR); } } protected function parseDate() { throw new Exception("Function can only be called from a subclass"); } protected function getHead() { throw new Exception("Function can only be called from a subclass"); } public function getView($year = NULL, $other = NULL) { throw new Exception("Function can only be called from a subclass"); } }
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednedsday Thursday Friday Saturday
Monday Tuesday Wednedsday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday