]> git.datanom.net - omvzfs.git/blob - gui/js/omv/module/admin/storage/zfs/Overview.js
Fix to clean up OMV shared folders when deleting shared datasets.
[omvzfs.git] / gui / js / omv / module / admin / storage / zfs / Overview.js
1 // require("js/omv/tree/Panel.js")
2 // require("js/omv/module/admin/storage/zfs/TreePanel.js")
3 // require("js/omv/workspace/window/Grid.js")
4 // require("js/omv/form/field/CheckboxGrid.js")
6 Ext.define("OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.AddPool", {
7 extend: "OMV.workspace.window.Form",
8 requires: [
9 "OMV.data.Store",
10 "OMV.data.Model",
11 "OMV.data.proxy.Rpc",
12 "OMV.form.field.CheckboxGrid"
13 ],
15 rpcService: "ZFS",
16 rpcSetMethod: "addPool",
17 title: _("Create ZFS pool"),
18 autoLoadData: false,
19 hideResetButton: true,
20 width: 550,
21 height: 350,
23 getFormItems: function() {
24 var me = this;
25 return [{
26 xtype: "textfield",
27 name: "name",
28 fieldLabel: _("Name")
29 },{
30 xtype: "combo",
31 name: "pooltype",
32 fieldLabel: _("Pool type"),
33 queryMode: "local",
34 store: Ext.create("Ext.data.ArrayStore", {
35 fields: [ "value", "text" ],
36 data: [
37 [ "basic", _("Basic") ],
38 [ "mirror", _("Mirror") ],
39 [ "raidz1", _("RAID-Z1") ],
40 [ "raidz2", _("RAID-Z2") ],
41 [ "raidz3", _("RAID-Z3") ]
42 ]
43 }),
44 displayField: "text",
45 valueField: "value",
46 allowBlank: false,
47 editable: false,
48 triggerAction: "all",
49 value: "raidz1",
50 listeners: {
51 scope: me,
52 change: function(combo, value) {
53 var devicesField = this.findField("devices");
54 switch(value) {
55 case "basic":
56 devicesField.minSelections = 1;
57 break;
58 case "mirror":
59 devicesField.minSelections = 2;
60 break;
61 case "raidz1":
62 devicesField.minSelections = 3;
63 break;
64 case "raidz2":
65 devicesField.minSelections = 4;
66 case "raidz3":
67 devicesField.minSelections = 5;
68 break;
69 default:
70 devicesField.minSelections = 2;
71 break;
72 }
73 devicesField.validate();
74 }
75 }
76 },{
77 xtype: "checkboxgridfield",
78 name: "devices",
79 fieldLabel: _("Devices"),
80 valueField: "devicefile",
81 minSelections: 3, // Min. number of devices for RAIDZ-1
82 useStringValue: true,
83 height: 130,
84 store: Ext.create("OMV.data.Store", {
85 autoLoad: true,
86 model: OMV.data.Model.createImplicit({
87 idProperty: "devicefile",
88 fields: [
89 { name: "devicefile", type: "string" },
90 { name: "size", type: "string" },
91 { name: "vendor", type: "string" },
92 { name: "serialnumber", type: "string" }
93 ]
94 }),
95 proxy: {
96 type: "rpc",
97 appendSortParams: false,
98 rpcData: {
99 service: "RaidMgmt",
100 method: "getCandidates"
101 }
102 },
103 sorters: [{
104 direction: "ASC",
105 property: "devicefile"
106 }]
107 }),
108 gridConfig: {
109 stateful: true,
110 stateId: "1866b5d0-327e-11e4-8c21-0800200c9a66",
111 columns: [{
112 text: _("Device"),
113 sortable: true,
114 dataIndex: "devicefile",
115 stateId: "devicefile",
116 flex: 1
117 },{
118 xtype: "binaryunitcolumn",
119 text: _("Capacity"),
120 sortable: true,
121 dataIndex: "size",
122 stateId: "size",
123 width: 50,
124 flex: 1
125 },{
126 text: _("Vendor"),
127 sortable: true,
128 dataIndex: "vendor",
129 stateId: "vendor",
130 flex: 1
131 },{
132 text: _("Serial Number"),
133 sortable: true,
134 dataIndex: "serialnumber",
135 stateId: "serialnumber",
136 flex: 1
137 }]
138 }
139 },{
140 xtype: "textfield",
141 name: "mountpoint",
142 fieldLabel: _("Mountpoint"),
143 plugins: [{
144 ptype: "fieldinfo",
145 text: _("Optional mountpoint for the pool. Default is to use pool name.")
146 }]
147 },{
148 xtype: "checkbox",
149 name: "force",
150 fieldLabel: _("Force creation"),
151 checked: false,
152 boxLabel: _("Forces the creation of the pool even if errors are reported. Use with extreme caution!")
153 }];
154 },
156 doSubmit: function() {
157 var me = this;
158 OMV.MessageBox.show({
159 title: _("Confirmation"),
160 msg: _("Do you really want to create the ZFS pool?"),
161 buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO,
162 fn: function(answer) {
163 if(answer === "no")
164 return;
165 me.superclass.doSubmit.call(me);
166 },
167 scope: me,
168 icon: Ext.Msg.QUESTION
169 });
170 }
171 });
173 Ext.define("OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.AddObject", {
174 extend: "OMV.workspace.window.Form",
175 uses: [
176 "OMV.data.Store",
177 "OMV.data.Model",
178 "OMV.data.proxy.Rpc",
179 "OMV.data.reader.RpcArray"
180 ],
182 rpcService: "ZFS",
183 rpcSetMethod: "addObject",
184 width: 420,
186 getFormItems: function() {
187 var me = this;
188 return [{
189 xtype: "combo",
190 name: "type",
191 fieldLabel: _("Object Type"),
192 queryMode: "local",
193 store: [
194 [ "filesystem", "Filesystem" ],
195 [ "snapshot", "Snapshot" ],
196 [ "volume", "Volume" ]
197 ],
198 allowBlank: true,
199 editable: false,
200 triggerAction: "all",
201 value: "filesystem",
202 listeners: {
203 scope: me,
204 change: function(combo, value) {
205 var sizeField = this.findField("size");
206 switch(value) {
207 case "volume":
208 sizeField.show();
209 sizeField.allowBlank = false;
210 break;
211 default:
212 sizeField.hide();
213 sizeField.allowBlank = true;
214 break;
215 }
216 sizeField.validate();
217 }
218 }
219 },{
220 xtype: "textfield",
221 name: "path",
222 fieldLabel: _("Prefix"),
223 allowBlank: false,
224 readOnly: true
225 },{
226 xtype: "textfield",
227 name: "name",
228 fieldLabel: _("Name"),
229 allowBlank: false,
230 plugins: [{
231 ptype: "fieldinfo",
232 text: _("Name of the new object. Prefix will prepend the name. Please omit leading /")
233 }]
234 },{
235 xtype: "textfield",
236 name: "size",
237 hidden: true,
238 fieldLabel: _("Size"),
239 allowBlank: true,
240 plugins: [{
241 ptype: "fieldinfo",
242 text: _("Size of the volume e.g. 5mb,100gb,1tb etc")
243 }]
244 }];
245 }
246 });
250 Ext.define("OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.EditProperties", {
251 extend: "OMV.workspace.window.Grid",
252 requires: [
253 "OMV.data.Store",
254 "OMV.data.Model",
255 "OMV.data.proxy.Rpc"
256 ],
258 rpcService: "ZFS",
259 rpcSetMethod: "setProperties",
261 title: _("Edit properties"),
262 width: 500,
263 height: 305,
265 getGridConfig: function() {
266 var me = this;
268 var rowEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', {
269 clicksToEdit: 1,
270 pluginId: 'rowEditing',
271 listeners: {
272 validateedit: function(editor, e, eOpts) {
273 e.record.set("modified", "true");
274 },
275 beforeedit: function(editor, e, eOpts) {
276 if (e.record.get("property") === "mountpoint") {
277 e.grid.getPlugin('rowEditing').editor.form.findField("value").disable();
278 e.grid.getPlugin('rowEditing').editor.form.findField("property").disable();
279 } else if (e.record.get("newproperty") === "false") {
280 e.grid.getPlugin('rowEditing').editor.form.findField("value").enable();
281 e.grid.getPlugin('rowEditing').editor.form.findField("property").disable();
282 } else {
283 e.grid.getPlugin('rowEditing').editor.form.findField("value").enable();
284 e.grid.getPlugin('rowEditing').editor.form.findField("property").enable();
285 }
286 }
288 }
289 });
291 var store = Ext.create("OMV.data.Store", {
292 autoLoad: true,
293 model: OMV.data.Model.createImplicit({
294 fields: [
295 { name: "property", type: "string" },
296 { name: "value", type: "string" },
297 { name: "source", type: "string" },
298 { name: "modified", type: "string" },
299 { name: "newproperty", type: "string", defaultValue: "false" }
300 ]
301 }),
302 proxy: {
303 type: "rpc",
304 rpcData: {
305 service: "ZFS",
306 method: "getProperties",
307 params: {
308 name: me.name,
309 type: me.type
310 }
311 }
312 }
313 });
315 return {
316 border: false,
317 stateful: true,
318 stateId: "8c3dc800-bdbb-11e3-b1b6-0800200c9a66",
319 selType: 'rowmodel',
320 plugins: [rowEditing],
321 store: store,
322 tbar: [{
323 text: "Add property",
324 icon: "images/add.png",
325 iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "btn-icon-16x16",
326 handler: function(view) {
327 Ext.define('Property', {
328 extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
329 fields: [
330 "property",
331 "value",
332 "source",
333 "modified",
334 "newproperty"
335 ]
336 });
337 var newProperty = Ext.create("Property", {
338 property: "",
339 value: "",
340 source: "local",
341 modified: "true",
342 newproperty: "true"
343 });
344 rowEditing.cancelEdit();
345 store.insert(0, newProperty);
346 rowEditing.startEdit();
347 }
348 }],
349 columns: [{
350 text: _("Property"),
351 sortable: true,
352 dataIndex: "property",
353 stateId: "property",
354 editor: {
355 xtype: "textfield",
356 allowBlank: false,
357 }
358 },{
359 text: _("Value"),
360 sortable: true,
361 dataIndex: "value",
362 stateId: "value",
363 flex: 1,
364 readOnly: true,
365 editor: {
366 xtype: "textfield",
367 allowBlank: false,
368 }
369 },{
370 text: _("Source"),
371 sortable: true,
372 dataIndex: "source",
373 stateId: "source",
374 },{
375 xtype: 'actioncolumn',
376 header: 'Inherit',
377 icon: "images/checkmark.png",
378 tooltip: "Inherit",
379 handler: function(view, rowIndex, colIndex, item, e, record, row) {
380 OMV.RpcObserver.request({
381 msg : _("Updating property..."),
382 rpcData : {
383 service: "ZFS",
384 method: "inherit",
385 params: {
386 name: me.name,
387 type: me.type,
388 property: record.get("property")
389 }
390 },
391 finish : function() {
392 view.getStore().reload();
393 }
394 });
395 },
396 isDisabled: function(view, rowIdx, colIdx, item, record) {
397 var src = record.get("source");
398 if(src === "local") {
399 return false;
400 } else {
401 return true;
402 }
403 }
404 },{
405 text: _("New"),
406 dataIndex: "newproperty",
407 stateId: "newproperty",
408 sortable: false,
409 hidden: true
410 },{
411 text: _("Modified"),
412 sortable: false,
413 dataIndex: "modified",
414 stateId: "modified",
415 hidden: true
416 }],
417 };
418 },
420 getRpcSetParams: function() {
421 var me = this;
422 var properties = [];
423 var values = me.getValues();
424 Ext.Array.each(values, function(value) {
425 if(value.modified === "false")
426 return;
427 properties.push({
428 "property": value.property,
429 "value": value.value,
430 });
431 });
432 return {
433 name: me.name,
434 type: me.type,
435 properties: properties
436 };
437 }
439 });
442 Ext.define("OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.CreateShare", {
443 extend: "OMV.workspace.window.Form",
444 uses: [
445 "OMV.data.Store",
446 "OMV.data.Model",
447 "OMV.data.proxy.Rpc",
448 "OMV.data.reader.RpcArray"
449 ],
451 rpcService: "ZFS",
452 rpcSetMethod: "createShare",
453 width: 500,
455 getFormItems: function() {
456 var me = this;
457 return [{
458 xtype: "textfield",
459 name: "sharename",
460 fieldLabel: _("Name"),
461 allowBlank: false,
462 },{
463 xtype: "textfield",
464 name: "mountpoint",
465 fieldLabel: _("Path"),
466 allowBlank: false,
467 readOnly: true
468 },{
469 xtype: "combo",
470 name: "mode",
471 fieldLabel: _("Permissions"),
472 queryMode: "local",
473 store: Ext.create("Ext.data.ArrayStore", {
474 fields: [ "value", "text" ],
475 data: [
476 [ "700", _("Administrator: read/write, Users: no access, Others: no access") ],
477 [ "750", _("Administrator: read/write, Users: read-only, Others: no access") ],
478 [ "770", _("Administrator: read/write, Users: read/write, Others: no access") ],
479 [ "755", _("Administrator: read/write, Users: read-only, Others: read-only") ],
480 [ "775", _("Administrator: read/write, Users: read/write, Others: read-only") ],
481 [ "777", _("Everyone: read/write") ]
482 ]
483 }),
484 displayField: "text",
485 valueField: "value",
486 allowBlank: false,
487 editable: false,
488 showItemTooltip: true,
489 triggerAction: "all",
490 value: "775",
491 plugins: [{
492 ptype: "fieldinfo",
493 text: _("The file mode of the shared folder path.")
494 }]
495 },{
496 xtype: "textarea",
497 name: "comment",
498 fieldLabel: _("Comment"),
499 allowBlank: true
500 },{
501 xtype: "textarea",
502 name: "name",
503 hidden: true
504 },{
505 xtype: "textarea",
506 name: "type",
507 hidden: true
508 }];
509 }
510 });
514 Ext.define("OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.Overview", {
515 extend: "OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.TreePanel",
517 rpcService: "ZFS",
518 rpcGetMethod: "getObjectTree",
519 requires: [
520 "OMV.data.Store",
521 "OMV.data.Model",
522 "OMV.data.proxy.Rpc"
523 ],
525 rootVisible: false,
526 stateful: true,
527 stateId: "cec54550-bc2a-11e3-a5e2-0800200c9a66",
529 columns: [{
530 text: _("Name"),
531 xtype: 'treecolumn',
532 dataIndex: 'name',
533 sortable: true,
534 flex: 2,
535 stateId: 'name'
536 },{
537 text: _("Type"),
538 dataIndex: 'type',
539 sortable: true,
540 flex: 1,
541 stateId: 'type'
542 },{
543 text: _("Share"),
544 xtype: 'actioncolumn',
545 tooltip: 'Create shared folder',
546 align: 'center',
547 icon: 'images/checkmark.png',
548 handler: function(view, rowIndex, colIndex, item, e, record, row) {
549 var me = this;
550 Ext.create("OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.CreateShare", {
551 title: _("Create shared folder"),
552 rpcGetMethod: "getSharedParams",
553 rpcGetParams: {
554 name: record.get('path'),
555 type: record.get('type')
556 }
557 }).show();
558 },
559 isDisabled: function(view, rowIdx, colIdx, item, record) {
560 var src = record.get("type");
561 if((src === "Filesystem") && (record.get("shared") === "false")) {
562 return false;
563 } else {
564 return true;
565 }
566 }
569 },{
570 text: _("Details"),
571 xtype: 'actioncolumn',
572 tooltip: 'Details',
573 align: 'center',
574 icon: 'images/search.png'
575 },{
576 text: _("Shared"),
577 dataIndex: 'shared',
578 sortable: false,
579 stateId: 'shared',
580 hidden: true
581 }],
583 initComponent: function() {
584 var me = this;
585 this.width = 600;
586 Ext.apply(me, {
587 store: Ext.create("Ext.data.TreeStore", {
588 autoLoad: true,
589 model: OMV.data.Model.createImplicit({
590 fields: [
591 { name: "name", type: "string" },
592 { name: "type", type: "string" },
593 { name: "id", type: "string" },
594 { name: "path", type: "string" },
595 { name: "origin", type: "string", defaultValue: "none" },
596 { name: "shared", type: "string", defaultValue: "false" }
597 ]
598 }),
599 proxy: {
600 type: "rpc",
601 rpcData: {
602 service: "ZFS",
603 method: "getObjectTree",
604 }
605 },
606 folderSort: true
607 })
608 });
609 me.callParent(arguments);
610 },
612 onAddButton: function() {
613 var me = this;
614 Ext.create("OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.AddPool", {
615 listeners: {
616 scope: me,
617 submit: function() {
618 this.doReload();
619 }
620 }
621 }).show();
622 },
624 onAddObjButton: function() {
625 var me = this;
626 var sm = me.getSelectionModel();
627 var records = sm.getSelection();
628 var record = records[0];
629 Ext.create("OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.AddObject", {
630 title: _("Add Object"),
631 rpcGetMethod: "passParam",
632 rpcGetParams: {
633 key: "path",
634 value: record.get('path')
635 },
636 listeners: {
637 scope: me,
638 submit: function() {
639 this.doReload();
640 }
641 }
642 }).show();
643 },
645 onEditButton: function() {
646 var me = this;
647 var sm = me.getSelectionModel();
648 var records = sm.getSelection();
649 var record = records[0];
650 Ext.create("OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.EditProperties", {
651 name: record.get("path"),
652 type: record.get("type")
653 }).show();
654 },
656 doDeletion: function(record) {
657 var me = this;
658 OMV.Rpc.request({
659 scope: me,
660 callback: me.onDeletion,
661 rpcData: {
662 service: "ZFS",
663 method: "deleteObject",
664 params: {
665 name: record.get('path'),
666 type: record.get('type')
667 }
668 }
669 });
670 }
672 });
674 OMV.WorkspaceManager.registerPanel({
675 id: "overview",
676 path: "/storage/zfs",
677 text: _("Overview"),
678 position: 10,
679 className: "OMV.module.admin.storage.zfs.Overview"
680 });
This page took 0.272466 seconds and 6 git commands to generate.