]> git.datanom.net - omvzfs.git/commitdiff
Extend from OMVModuleAbstract. Apply OMV naming convention to class names
authorMichael Rasmussen <mir@datanom.net>
Thu, 27 Feb 2014 16:29:04 +0000 (17:29 +0100)
committerMichael Rasmussen <mir@datanom.net>
Thu, 27 Feb 2014 16:29:04 +0000 (17:29 +0100)

index 7ece6d6a2fa6b99dcd7582e5dccd241b3dac7017..c46a19b5231e8f727d78d4a3621bb410efafbad6 100644 (file)
Binary files a/class-diagram.dia and b/class-diagram.dia differ
index 1fdfa0727e98e66500e72c73b74e63bfe8af26ea..159cbe01ea9009c0004c68e1a73dc564bbc828dc 100644 (file)
Binary files a/class-diagram.png and b/class-diagram.png differ
index 29b60a8d5d0e86d8900bcbaed0fa9ef6c9f45715..903b26a7a7d15ad26160ada008640e833782476d 100644 (file)
@@ -6,87 +6,93 @@
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