]> git.datanom.net - webcal.git/blob - caldav/caldav-client.php
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[webcal.git] / caldav / caldav-client.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * A Class for connecting to a caldav server
4 *
5 * @package awl
6 * removed curl - now using fsockopen
7 * changed 2009 by Andres Obrero - Switzerland andres@obrero.ch
8 *
9 * @subpackage caldav
10 * @author Andrew McMillan <debian@mcmillan.net.nz>
11 * @copyright Andrew McMillan
12 * @license http://gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2
13 */
16 /**
17 * A class for accessing DAViCal via CalDAV, as a client
18 *
19 * @package awl
20 */
21 class CalDAVClient {
22 /**
23 * Server, username, password, calendar
24 *
25 * @var string
26 */
27 var $base_url, $user, $pass, $calendar, $entry, $protocol, $server, $port;
29 /**
30 * The useragent which is send to the caldav server
31 *
32 * @var string
33 */
34 var $user_agent = 'DAViCalClient';
36 var $headers = array();
37 var $body = "";
38 var $requestMethod = "GET";
39 var $httpRequest = ""; // for debugging http headers sent
40 var $xmlRequest = ""; // for debugging xml sent
41 var $httpResponse = ""; // for debugging http headers received
42 var $xmlResponse = ""; // for debugging xml received
44 /**
45 * Constructor, initialises the class
46 *
47 * @param string $base_url The URL for the calendar server
48 * @param string $user The name of the user logging in
49 * @param string $pass The password for that user
50 * @param string $calendar The name of the calendar (not currently used)
51 */
52 function CalDAVClient( $base_url, $user, $pass, $calendar ) {
53 $this->user = $user;
54 $this->pass = $pass;
55 $this->calendar = $calendar;
56 $this->headers = array();
58 if ( preg_match( '#^(https?)://([a-z0-9.-]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)$#', $base_url, $matches ) ) {
59 $this->server = $matches[2];
60 $this->base_url = $matches[5];
61 if ( $matches[1] == 'https' ) {
62 $this->protocol = 'ssl';
63 $this->port = 443;
64 }
65 else {
66 $this->protocol = 'tcp';
67 $this->port = 80;
68 }
69 if ( $matches[4] != '' ) {
70 $this->port = intval($matches[4]);
71 }
72 }
73 else {
74 trigger_error("Invalid URL: '".$base_url."'", E_USER_ERROR);
75 }
76 }
78 /**
79 * Adds an If-Match or If-None-Match header
80 *
81 * @param bool $match to Match or Not to Match, that is the question!
82 * @param string $etag The etag to match / not match against.
83 */
84 function SetMatch( $match, $etag = '*' ) {
85 $this->headers[] = sprintf( "%s-Match: \"%s\"", ($match ? "If" : "If-None"), $etag);
86 }
88 /**
89 * Add a Depth: header. Valid values are 1 or infinity
90 *
91 * @param int $depth The depth, default to infinity
92 */
93 function SetDepth( $depth = 'infinity' ) {
94 $this->headers[] = "Depth: ". ($depth == 1 ? "1" : "infinity" );
95 }
97 /**
98 * Add a Depth: header. Valid values are 1 or infinity
99 *
100 * @param int $depth The depth, default to infinity
101 */
102 function SetUserAgent( $user_agent = null ) {
103 if ( !isset($user_agent) ) $user_agent = $this->user_agent;
104 $this->user_agent = $user_agent;
105 }
107 /**
108 * Add a Content-type: header.
109 *
110 * @param int $type The content type
111 */
112 function SetContentType( $type ) {
113 $this->headers[] = "Content-type: $type";
114 }
116 /**
117 * Split response into httpResponse and xmlResponse
118 *
119 * @param string Response from server
120 */
121 function ParseResponse( $response ) {
122 $pos = strpos($response, '<?xml');
123 if ($pos == false) {
124 $this->httpResponse = trim($response);
125 }
126 else {
127 $this->httpResponse = trim(substr($response, 0, $pos));
128 $this->xmlResponse = trim(substr($response, $pos));
129 }
130 }
132 /**
133 * Output http request headers
134 *
135 * @return HTTP headers
136 */
137 function GetHttpRequest() {
138 return $this->httpRequest;
139 }
140 /**
141 * Output http response headers
142 *
143 * @return HTTP headers
144 */
145 function GetHttpResponse() {
146 return $this->httpResponse;
147 }
148 /**
149 * Output xml request
150 *
151 * @return raw xml
152 */
153 function GetXmlRequest() {
154 return $this->xmlRequest;
155 }
156 /**
157 * Output xml response
158 *
159 * @return raw xml
160 */
161 function GetXmlResponse() {
162 return $this->xmlResponse;
163 }
165 /**
166 * Send a request to the server
167 *
168 * @param string $relative_url The URL to make the request to, relative to $base_url
169 *
170 * @return string The content of the response from the server
171 */
172 function DoRequest( $relative_url = "" ) {
173 if(!defined("_FSOCK_TIMEOUT")){ define("_FSOCK_TIMEOUT", 10); }
174 $headers = array();
176 $headers[] = $this->requestMethod." ". $this->base_url . $relative_url . " HTTP/1.1";
177 $headers[] = "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($this->user .":". $this->pass );
178 $headers[] = "Host: ".$this->server .":".$this->port;
180 foreach( $this->headers as $ii => $head ) {
181 $headers[] = $head;
182 }
183 $headers[] = "Content-Length: " . strlen($this->body);
184 $headers[] = "User-Agent: " . $this->user_agent;
185 $headers[] = 'Connection: close';
186 $this->httpRequest = join("\r\n",$headers);
187 $this->xmlRequest = $this->body;
189 $fip = fsockopen( $this->protocol . '://' . $this->server, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, _FSOCK_TIMEOUT); //error handling?
190 if ( !(get_resource_type($fip) == 'stream') ) return false;
191 if ( !fwrite($fip, $this->httpRequest."\r\n\r\n".$this->body) ) { fclose($fip); return false; }
192 $rsp = "";
193 while( !feof($fip) ) { $rsp .= fgets($fip,8192); }
194 fclose($fip);
196 $this->headers = array(); // reset the headers array for our next request
197 $this->ParseResponse($rsp);
198 return $rsp;
199 }
202 /**
203 * Send an OPTIONS request to the server
204 *
205 * @param string $relative_url The URL to make the request to, relative to $base_url
206 *
207 * @return array The allowed options
208 */
209 function DoOptionsRequest( $relative_url = "" ) {
210 $this->requestMethod = "OPTIONS";
211 $this->body = "";
212 $headers = $this->DoRequest($relative_url);
213 $options_header = preg_replace( '/^.*Allow: ([a-z, ]+)\r?\n.*/is', '$1', $headers );
214 $options = array_flip( preg_split( '/[, ]+/', $options_header ));
215 return $options;
216 }
220 /**
221 * Send an XML request to the server (e.g. PROPFIND, REPORT, MKCALENDAR)
222 *
223 * @param string $method The method (PROPFIND, REPORT, etc) to use with the request
224 * @param string $xml The XML to send along with the request
225 * @param string $relative_url The URL to make the request to, relative to $base_url
226 *
227 * @return array An array of the allowed methods
228 */
229 function DoXMLRequest( $request_method, $xml, $relative_url = '' ) {
230 $this->body = $xml;
231 $this->requestMethod = $request_method;
232 $this->SetContentType("text/xml");
233 return $this->DoRequest($relative_url);
234 }
238 /**
239 * Get a single item from the server.
240 *
241 * @param string $relative_url The part of the URL after the calendar
242 */
243 function DoGETRequest( $relative_url ) {
244 $this->body = "";
245 $this->requestMethod = "GET";
246 return $this->DoRequest( $relative_url );
247 }
249 /**
250 * PUT a text/icalendar resource, returning the etag
251 *
252 * @param string $relative_url The URL to make the request to, relative to $base_url
253 * @param string $icalendar The iCalendar resource to send to the server
254 * @param string $etag The etag of an existing resource to be overwritten, or '*' for a new resource.
255 *
256 * @return string The content of the response from the server
257 */
258 function DoPUTRequest( $relative_url, $icalendar, $etag = null ) {
259 $this->body = $icalendar;
261 $this->requestMethod = "PUT";
262 if ( $etag != null ) {
263 $this->SetMatch( ($etag != '*'), $etag );
264 }
265 $this->SetContentType("text/calendar");
266 $headers = $this->DoRequest($relative_url);
268 /**
269 * RSCDS will always return the real etag on PUT. Other CalDAV servers may need
270 * more work, but we are assuming we are running against RSCDS in this case.
271 */
272 preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.[01]+\s+(\d+)\s+/i', $headers, $match);
273 if ($match) {
274 //print htmlentities($this->GetXmlResponse())."<br/>";
275 $xml = simplexml_load_string($this->GetXmlResponse());
276 $xml->registerXPathNamespace('e', 'DAV:');
277 $elems = $xml->xpath('//e:error');
278 $error = $elems[0];
279 switch ($match[1]) {
280 case 412:
281 //echo "$error<br/>";
282 preg_match('/^"?[^"]+"+([0-9a-zA-Z]+)"+.*"+([0-9a-zA-Z]+)"+/', $error, $m);
283 //print_r($m);
284 if ($m) {
285 if (strcasecmp($m[1], $m[2]) !== 0) {
286 $error = "Remote changes discovered.\n";
287 $error .= "Enter changes again after reload\n";
288 }
289 }
290 $etag = array($match[1] => "$error");
291 //print_r($etag);
292 break;
293 default: break;
294 }
295 }
296 else
297 $etag = preg_replace( '/^.*Etag: "?([^"\r\n]+)"?\r?\n.*/is', '$1', $headers );
298 return $etag;
299 }
302 /**
303 * DELETE a text/icalendar resource
304 *
305 * @param string $relative_url The URL to make the request to, relative to $base_url
306 * @param string $etag The etag of an existing resource to be deleted, or '*' for any resource at that URL.
307 *
308 * @return int The HTTP Result Code for the DELETE
309 */
310 function DoDELETERequest( $relative_url, $etag = null ) {
311 $this->body = "";
313 $this->requestMethod = "DELETE";
314 if ( $etag != null ) {
315 $this->SetMatch( true, $etag );
316 }
317 $this->DoRequest($relative_url);
318 return $this->resultcode;
319 }
322 /**
323 * Given XML for a calendar query, return an array of the events (/todos) in the
324 * response. Each event in the array will have a 'href', 'etag' and '$response_type'
325 * part, where the 'href' is relative to the calendar and the '$response_type' contains the
326 * definition of the calendar data in iCalendar format.
327 *
328 * @param string $filter XML fragment which is the <filter> element of a calendar-query
329 * @param string $relative_url The URL relative to the base_url specified when the calendar was opened. Default ''.
330 * @param string $report_type Used as a name for the array element containing the calendar data. @deprecated
331 *
332 * @return array An array of the relative URLs, etags, and events from the server. Each element of the array will
333 * be an array with 'href', 'etag' and 'data' elements, corresponding to the URL, the server-supplied
334 * etag (which only varies when the data changes) and the calendar data in iCalendar format.
335 */
336 function DoCalendarQuery( $filter, $relative_url = '' ) {
338 $xml = <<<EOXML
339 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
340 <C:calendar-query xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
341 <D:prop>
342 <C:calendar-data/>
343 <D:getetag/>
344 </D:prop>
345 $filter
346 </C:calendar-query>
347 EOXML;
349 $this->DoXMLRequest( 'REPORT', $xml, $relative_url );
350 $xml_parser = xml_parser_create_ns('UTF-8');
351 $this->xml_tags = array();
352 xml_parser_set_option ( $xml_parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1 );
353 xml_parse_into_struct( $xml_parser, $this->xmlResponse, $this->xml_tags );
354 xml_parser_free($xml_parser);
356 $report = array();
357 foreach( $this->xml_tags as $k => $v ) {
358 switch( $v['tag'] ) {
359 case 'DAV::RESPONSE':
360 if ( $v['type'] == 'open' ) {
361 $response = array();
362 }
363 elseif ( $v['type'] == 'close' ) {
364 $report[] = $response;
365 }
366 break;
367 case 'DAV::HREF':
368 $response['href'] = basename( $v['value'] );
369 break;
370 case 'DAV::GETETAG':
371 $response['etag'] = preg_replace('/^"?([^"]+)"?/', '$1', $v['value']);
372 break;
374 $response['data'] = $v['value'];
375 break;
376 }
377 }
378 return $report;
379 }
382 /**
383 * Get the events in a range from $start to $finish. The dates should be in the
384 * format yyyymmddThhmmssZ and should be in GMT. The events are returned as an
385 * array of event arrays. Each event array will have a 'href', 'etag' and 'event'
386 * part, where the 'href' is relative to the calendar and the event contains the
387 * definition of the event in iCalendar format.
388 *
389 * @param timestamp $start The start time for the period
390 * @param timestamp $finish The finish time for the period
391 * @param string $relative_url The URL relative to the base_url specified when the calendar was opened. Default ''.
392 *
393 * @return array An array of the relative URLs, etags, and events, returned from DoCalendarQuery() @see DoCalendarQuery()
394 */
395 function GetEvents( $start = null, $finish = null, $relative_url = '' ) {
396 $filter = "";
397 if ( isset($start) && isset($finish) )
398 $range = "<C:time-range start=\"$start\" end=\"$finish\"/>";
399 else
400 $range = '';
402 $filter = <<<EOFILTER
403 <C:filter>
404 <C:comp-filter name="VCALENDAR">
405 <C:comp-filter name="VEVENT">
406 $range
407 </C:comp-filter>
408 </C:comp-filter>
409 </C:filter>
412 return $this->DoCalendarQuery($filter, $relative_url);
413 }
416 /**
417 * Get the todo's in a range from $start to $finish. The dates should be in the
418 * format yyyymmddThhmmssZ and should be in GMT. The events are returned as an
419 * array of event arrays. Each event array will have a 'href', 'etag' and 'event'
420 * part, where the 'href' is relative to the calendar and the event contains the
421 * definition of the event in iCalendar format.
422 *
423 * @param timestamp $start The start time for the period
424 * @param timestamp $finish The finish time for the period
425 * @param boolean $completed Whether to include completed tasks
426 * @param boolean $cancelled Whether to include cancelled tasks
427 * @param string $relative_url The URL relative to the base_url specified when the calendar was opened. Default ''.
428 *
429 * @return array An array of the relative URLs, etags, and events, returned from DoCalendarQuery() @see DoCalendarQuery()
430 */
431 function GetTodos( $start, $finish, $completed = false, $cancelled = false, $relative_url = "" ) {
433 if ( $start && $finish ) {
434 $time_range = <<<EOTIME
435 <C:time-range start="$start" end="$finish"/>
437 }
439 // Warning! May contain traces of double negatives...
440 $neg_cancelled = ( $cancelled === true ? "no" : "yes" );
441 $neg_completed = ( $cancelled === true ? "no" : "yes" );
443 $filter = <<<EOFILTER
444 <C:filter>
445 <C:comp-filter name="VCALENDAR">
446 <C:comp-filter name="VTODO">
447 <C:prop-filter name="STATUS">
448 <C:text-match negate-condition="$neg_completed">COMPLETED</C:text-match>
449 </C:prop-filter>
450 <C:prop-filter name="STATUS">
451 <C:text-match negate-condition="$neg_cancelled">CANCELLED</C:text-match>
452 </C:prop-filter>$time_range
453 </C:comp-filter>
454 </C:comp-filter>
455 </C:filter>
458 return $this->DoCalendarQuery($filter, $relative_url);
459 }
462 /**
463 * Get the calendar entry by UID
464 *
465 * @param uid
466 * @param string $relative_url The URL relative to the base_url specified when the calendar was opened. Default ''.
467 *
468 * @return array An array of the relative URL, etag, and calendar data returned from DoCalendarQuery() @see DoCalendarQuery()
469 */
470 function GetEntryByUid( $uid, $relative_url = '' ) {
471 $filter = "";
472 if ( $uid ) {
473 $filter = <<<EOFILTER
474 <C:filter>
475 <C:comp-filter name="VCALENDAR">
476 <C:comp-filter name="VEVENT">
477 <C:prop-filter name="UID">
478 <C:text-match icollation="i;octet">$uid</C:text-match>
479 </C:prop-filter>
480 </C:comp-filter>
481 </C:comp-filter>
482 </C:filter>
484 }
486 return $this->DoCalendarQuery($filter, $relative_url);
487 }
490 /**
491 * Get the calendar entry by HREF
492 *
493 * @param string $href The href from a call to GetEvents or GetTodos etc.
494 * @param string $relative_url The URL relative to the base_url specified when the calendar was opened. Default ''.
495 *
496 * @return string The iCalendar of the calendar entry
497 */
498 function GetEntryByHref( $href, $relative_url = '' ) {
499 return $this->DoGETRequest( $relative_url . $href );
500 }
502 }
504 //$cal = new CalDAVClient( "https://www.google.com/calendar/dav/[mail id]/events/", "uid", "pwd", "calendar" );
505 //$cal = new CalDAVClient( "http://calendar.datanom.net/caldav.php/[uid]/home", "uid", "pwd", "calendar" );
506 //$cal->SetDepth(1);
507 /*$folder_xml = $cal->DoXMLRequest("PROPFIND",
508 '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
509 <propfind xmlns="DAV:">
510 <prop>
511 <getcontentlength/>
512 <getcontenttype/>
513 <resourcetype/>
514 <getetag/>
515 </prop>
516 </propfind>' );*/
517 //print_r($folder_xml);
520 /*$events = $cal->GetEvents("20100616T000000Z", "20100616T235959Z");
521 foreach ( $events AS $k => $event ) {
522 print_r( $event['data'] );
523 }*/
526 /*
527 print "Debug information\n";
528 print "Headers sent:\n".$cal->GetHttpRequest()."\n".
529 "XML sent:\n".$cal->GetXmlRequest()."\n".
530 "Headers received:\n".$cal->GetHttpResponse()."\n".
531 "XML received:\n".$cal->GetXmlResponse()."\n";
532 */
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