]> git.datanom.net - webcal.git/blob - caldav/awl/iCalendar.php
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[webcal.git] / caldav / awl / iCalendar.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * A Class for handling iCalendar data.
4 *
5 * When parsed the underlying structure is roughly as follows:
6 *
7 * iCalendar( array(iCalComponent), array(iCalProp) )
8 *
9 * each iCalComponent is similarly structured:
10 *
11 * iCalComponent( array(iCalComponent), array(iCalProp) )
12 *
13 * Once parsed, $ical->component will point to the wrapping VCALENDAR component of
14 * the iCalendar. This will be fine for simple iCalendar usage as sampled below,
15 * but more complex iCalendar such as a VEVENT with RRULE which has repeat overrides
16 * will need quite a bit more thought to process correctly.
17 *
18 * @example
19 * To create a new iCalendar from several data values:
20 * $ical = new iCalendar( array('DTSTART' => $dtstart, 'SUMMARY' => $summary, 'DURATION' => $duration ) );
21 *
22 * @example
23 * To render it as an iCalendar string:
24 * echo $ical->Render();
25 *
26 * @example
27 * To render just the VEVENTs in the iCalendar with a restricted list of properties:
28 * echo $ical->Render( false, 'VEVENT', array( 'DTSTART', 'DURATION', 'DTEND', 'RRULE', 'SUMMARY') );
29 *
30 * @example
31 * To parse an existing iCalendar string for manipulation:
32 * $ical = new iCalendar( array('icalendar' => $icalendar_text ) );
33 *
34 * @example
35 * To clear any 'VALARM' components in an iCalendar object
36 * $ical->component->ClearComponents('VALARM');
37 *
38 * @example
39 * To replace any 'RRULE' property in an iCalendar object
40 * $ical->component->SetProperties( 'RRULE', $rrule_definition );
41 *
42 * @package awl
43 * @subpackage iCalendar
44 * @author Andrew McMillan <andrew@mcmillan.net.nz>
45 * @copyright Catalyst IT Ltd, Morphoss Ltd <http://www.morphoss.com/>
46 * @license http://gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2 or later
47 *
48 */
49 require_once("XMLElement.php");
51 /**
52 * A Class for representing properties within an iCalendar
53 *
54 * @package awl
55 */
56 class iCalProp {
57 /**#@+
58 * @access private
59 */
61 /**
62 * The name of this property
63 *
64 * @var string
65 */
66 var $name;
68 /**
69 * An array of parameters to this property, represented as key/value pairs.
70 *
71 * @var array
72 */
73 var $parameters;
75 /**
76 * The value of this property.
77 *
78 * @var string
79 */
80 var $content;
82 /**
83 * The original value that this was parsed from, if that's the way it happened.
84 *
85 * @var string
86 */
87 var $rendered;
89 /**#@-*/
91 /**
92 * The constructor parses the incoming string, which is formatted as per RFC2445 as a
93 * propname[;param1=pval1[; ... ]]:propvalue
94 * however we allow ourselves to assume that the RFC2445 content unescaping has already
95 * happened when iCalComponent::ParseFrom() called iCalComponent::UnwrapComponent().
96 *
97 * @param string $propstring The string from the iCalendar which contains this property.
98 */
99 function iCalProp( $propstring = null ) {
100 $this->name = "";
101 $this->content = "";
102 $this->parameters = array();
103 unset($this->rendered);
104 if ( $propstring != null && gettype($propstring) == 'string' ) {
105 $this->ParseFrom($propstring);
106 }
107 }
110 /**
111 * The constructor parses the incoming string, which is formatted as per RFC2445 as a
112 * propname[;param1=pval1[; ... ]]:propvalue
113 * however we allow ourselves to assume that the RFC2445 content unescaping has already
114 * happened when iCalComponent::ParseFrom() called iCalComponent::UnwrapComponent().
115 *
116 * @param string $propstring The string from the iCalendar which contains this property.
117 */
118 function ParseFrom( $propstring ) {
119 $this->rendered = (strlen($propstring) < 72 ? $propstring : null); // Only pre-rendered if we didn't unescape it
120 $pos = strpos( $propstring, ':');
121 $start = substr( $propstring, 0, $pos);
123 $unescaped = str_replace( '\\n', "\n", substr( $propstring, $pos + 1));
124 $unescaped = str_replace( '\\N', "\n", $unescaped);
125 $this->content = preg_replace( "/\\\\([,;:\"\\\\])/", '$1', $unescaped);
127 $parameters = explode(';',$start);
128 $this->name = array_shift( $parameters );
129 $this->parameters = array();
130 foreach( $parameters AS $k => $v ) {
131 $pos = strpos($v,'=');
132 $name = substr( $v, 0, $pos);
133 $value = substr( $v, $pos + 1);
134 $this->parameters[$name] = $value;
135 }
136 dbg_error_log("iCalendar", " iCalProp::ParseFrom found '%s' = '%s' with %d parameters", $this->name, $this->content, count($this->parameters) );
137 }
140 /**
141 * Get/Set name property
142 *
143 * @param string $newname [optional] A new name for the property
144 *
145 * @return string The name for the property.
146 */
147 function Name( $newname = null ) {
148 if ( $newname != null ) {
149 $this->name = $newname;
150 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
151 dbg_error_log("iCalendar", " iCalProp::Name(%s)", $this->name );
152 }
153 return $this->name;
154 }
157 /**
158 * Get/Set the content of the property
159 *
160 * @param string $newvalue [optional] A new value for the property
161 *
162 * @return string The value of the property.
163 */
164 function Value( $newvalue = null ) {
165 if ( $newvalue != null ) {
166 $this->content = $newvalue;
167 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
168 }
169 return $this->content;
170 }
173 /**
174 * Get/Set parameters in their entirety
175 *
176 * @param array $newparams An array of new parameter key/value pairs
177 *
178 * @return array The current array of parameters for the property.
179 */
180 function Parameters( $newparams = null ) {
181 if ( $newparams != null ) {
182 $this->parameters = $newparams;
183 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
184 }
185 return $this->parameters;
186 }
189 /**
190 * Test if our value contains a string
191 *
192 * @param string $search The needle which we shall search the haystack for.
193 *
194 * @return string The name for the property.
195 */
196 function TextMatch( $search ) {
197 if ( isset($this->content) ) return strstr( $this->content, $search );
198 return false;
199 }
202 /**
203 * Get the value of a parameter
204 *
205 * @param string $name The name of the parameter to retrieve the value for
206 *
207 * @return string The value of the parameter
208 */
209 function GetParameterValue( $name ) {
210 if ( isset($this->parameters[$name]) ) return $this->parameters[$name];
211 }
213 /**
214 * Set the value of a parameter
215 *
216 * @param string $name The name of the parameter to set the value for
217 *
218 * @param string $value The value of the parameter
219 */
220 function SetParameterValue( $name, $value ) {
221 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
222 $this->parameters[$name] = $value;
223 }
225 /**
226 * Render the set of parameters as key1=value1[;key2=value2[; ...]] with
227 * any colons or semicolons escaped.
228 */
229 function RenderParameters() {
230 $rendered = "";
231 foreach( $this->parameters AS $k => $v ) {
232 $escaped = preg_replace( "/([;:\"])/", '\\\\$1', $v);
233 $rendered .= sprintf( ";%s=%s", $k, $escaped );
234 }
235 return $rendered;
236 }
239 /**
240 * Render a suitably escaped RFC2445 content string.
241 */
242 function Render() {
243 // If we still have the string it was parsed in from, it hasn't been screwed with
244 // and we can just return that without modification.
245 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) return $this->rendered;
247 $property = preg_replace( '/[;].*$/', '', $this->name );
248 $escaped = $this->content;
249 switch( $property ) {
250 /** Content escaping does not apply to these properties culled from RFC2445 */
251 case 'ATTACH': case 'GEO': case 'PERCENT-COMPLETE': case 'PRIORITY':
252 case 'DURATION': case 'FREEBUSY': case 'TZOFFSETFROM': case 'TZOFFSETTO':
253 case 'TZURL': case 'ATTENDEE': case 'ORGANIZER': case 'RECURRENCE-ID':
254 case 'URL': case 'EXRULE': case 'SEQUENCE': case 'CREATED':
255 case 'RRULE': case 'REPEAT': case 'TRIGGER':
256 break;
258 case 'COMPLETED': case 'DTEND':
259 case 'DUE': case 'DTSTART':
260 case 'DTSTAMP': case 'LAST-MODIFIED':
261 case 'CREATED': case 'EXDATE':
262 case 'RDATE':
263 if ( isset($this->parameters['VALUE']) && $this->parameters['VALUE'] == 'DATE' ) {
264 $escaped = substr( $escaped, 0, 8);
265 }
266 break;
268 /** Content escaping applies by default to other properties */
269 default:
270 $escaped = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $escaped);
271 $escaped = preg_replace( '/\r?\n/', '\\n', $escaped);
272 $escaped = preg_replace( "/([,;\"])/", '\\\\$1', $escaped);
273 }
274 $property = sprintf( "%s%s:", $this->name, $this->RenderParameters() );
275 if ( (strlen($property) + strlen($escaped)) <= 72 ) {
276 $this->rendered = $property . $escaped;
277 }
278 else if ( (strlen($property) + strlen($escaped)) > 72 && (strlen($property) < 72) && (strlen($escaped) < 72) ) {
279 $this->rendered = $property . " \r\n " . $escaped;
280 }
281 else {
282 $this->rendered = wordwrap( $property . $escaped, 72, " \r\n ", true );
283 }
284 return $this->rendered;
285 }
287 }
290 /**
291 * A Class for representing components within an iCalendar
292 *
293 * @package awl
294 */
295 class iCalComponent {
296 /**#@+
297 * @access private
298 */
300 /**
301 * The type of this component, such as 'VEVENT', 'VTODO', 'VTIMEZONE', etc.
302 *
303 * @var string
304 */
305 var $type;
307 /**
308 * An array of properties, which are iCalProp objects
309 *
310 * @var array
311 */
312 var $properties;
314 /**
315 * An array of (sub-)components, which are iCalComponent objects
316 *
317 * @var array
318 */
319 var $components;
321 /**
322 * The rendered result (or what was originally parsed, if there have been no changes)
323 *
324 * @var array
325 */
326 var $rendered;
328 /**#@-*/
330 /**
331 * A basic constructor
332 */
333 function iCalComponent( $content = null ) {
334 $this->type = "";
335 $this->properties = array();
336 $this->components = array();
337 $this->rendered = "";
338 if ( $content != null && gettype($content) == 'string' ) {
339 $this->ParseFrom($content);
340 }
341 }
344 /**
345 * Apply standard properties for a VCalendar
346 * @param array $extra_properties Key/value pairs of additional properties
347 */
348 function VCalendar( $extra_properties = null ) {
349 $this->SetType('VCALENDAR');
350 $this->AddProperty('PRODID', '-//davical.org//NONSGML AWL Calendar//EN');
351 $this->AddProperty('VERSION', '2.0');
352 $this->AddProperty('CALSCALE', 'GREGORIAN');
353 if ( is_array($extra_properties) ) {
354 foreach( $extra_properties AS $k => $v ) {
355 $this->AddProperty($k,$v);
356 }
357 }
358 }
360 /**
361 * Collect an array of all parameters of our properties which are the specified type
362 * Mainly used for collecting the full variety of references TZIDs
363 */
364 function CollectParameterValues( $parameter_name ) {
365 $values = array();
366 foreach( $this->components AS $k => $v ) {
367 $also = $v->CollectParameterValues($parameter_name);
368 $values = array_merge( $values, $also );
369 }
370 foreach( $this->properties AS $k => $v ) {
371 $also = $v->GetParameterValue($parameter_name);
372 if ( isset($also) && $also != "" ) {
373 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "::CollectParameterValues(%s) : Found '%s'", $parameter_name, $also);
374 $values[$also] = 1;
375 }
376 }
377 return $values;
378 }
381 /**
382 * Parse the text $content into sets of iCalProp & iCalComponent within this iCalComponent
383 * @param string $content The raw RFC2445-compliant iCalendar component, including BEGIN:TYPE & END:TYPE
384 */
385 function ParseFrom( $content ) {
386 $this->rendered = $content;
387 $content = $this->UnwrapComponent($content);
389 $lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', $content );
391 $type = false;
392 $subtype = false;
393 $finish = null;
394 $subfinish = null;
395 foreach( $lines AS $k => $v ) {
396 if ( preg_match('/^\s*$/', $v ) ) continue;
397 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "::ParseFrom: Parsing line: $v");
398 if ( $type === false ) {
399 if ( preg_match( '/^BEGIN:(.+)$/', $v, $matches ) ) {
400 // We have found the start of the main component
401 $type = $matches[1];
402 $finish = "END:$type";
403 $this->type = $type;
404 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "::ParseFrom: Start component of type '%s'", $type);
405 }
406 else {
407 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "::ParseFrom: Ignoring crap before start of component");
408 unset($lines[$k]); // The content has crap before the start
409 if ( $v != "" ) $this->rendered = null;
410 }
411 }
412 else if ( $type == null ) {
413 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "::ParseFrom: Ignoring crap after end of component");
414 unset($lines[$k]); // The content has crap after the end
415 if ( $v != "" ) $this->rendered = null;
416 }
417 else if ( $v == $finish ) {
418 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "::ParseFrom: End of component");
419 $type = null; // We have reached the end of our component
420 }
421 else {
422 if ( $subtype === false && preg_match( '/^BEGIN:(.+)$/', $v, $matches ) ) {
423 // We have found the start of a sub-component
424 $subtype = $matches[1];
425 $subfinish = "END:$subtype";
426 $subcomponent = "$v\r\n";
427 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "::ParseFrom: Found a subcomponent '%s'", $subtype);
428 }
429 else if ( $subtype ) {
430 // We are inside a sub-component
431 $subcomponent .= $this->WrapComponent($v);
432 if ( $v == $subfinish ) {
433 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "::ParseFrom: End of subcomponent '%s'", $subtype);
434 // We have found the end of a sub-component
435 $this->components[] = new iCalComponent($subcomponent);
436 $subtype = false;
437 }
438 else
439 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "::ParseFrom: Inside a subcomponent '%s'", $subtype );
440 }
441 else {
442 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "::ParseFrom: Parse property of component");
443 // It must be a normal property line within a component.
444 $this->properties[] = new iCalProp($v);
445 }
446 }
447 }
448 }
451 /**
452 * This unescapes the (CRLF + linear space) wrapping specified in RFC2445. According
453 * to RFC2445 we should always end with CRLF but the CalDAV spec says that normalising
454 * XML parsers often muck with it and may remove the CR. We accept either case.
455 */
456 function UnwrapComponent( $content ) {
457 return preg_replace('/\r?\n[ \t]/', '', $content );
458 }
460 /**
461 * This imposes the (CRLF + linear space) wrapping specified in RFC2445. According
462 * to RFC2445 we should always end with CRLF but the CalDAV spec says that normalising
463 * XML parsers often muck with it and may remove the CR. We output RFC2445 compliance.
464 *
465 * In order to preserve pre-existing wrapping in the component, we split the incoming
466 * string on line breaks before running wordwrap over each component of that.
467 */
468 function WrapComponent( $content ) {
469 $strs = preg_split( "/\r?\n/", $content );
470 $wrapped = "";
471 foreach ($strs as $str) {
472 $wrapped .= wordwrap($str, 73, " \r\n ") . "\r\n";
473 }
474 return $wrapped;
475 }
477 /**
478 * Return the type of component which this is
479 */
480 function GetType() {
481 return $this->type;
482 }
485 /**
486 * Set the type of component which this is
487 */
488 function SetType( $type ) {
489 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
490 $this->type = $type;
491 return $this->type;
492 }
495 /**
496 * Get all properties, or the properties matching a particular type
497 */
498 function GetProperties( $type = null ) {
499 $properties = array();
500 foreach( $this->properties AS $k => $v ) {
501 if ( $type == null || $v->Name() == $type ) {
502 $properties[$k] = $v;
503 }
504 }
505 return $properties;
506 }
509 /**
510 * Get the value of the first property matching the name. Obviously this isn't
511 * so useful for properties which may occur multiply, but most don't.
512 *
513 * @param string $type The type of property we are after.
514 * @return string The value of the property, or null if there was no such property.
515 */
516 function GetPValue( $type ) {
517 foreach( $this->properties AS $k => $v ) {
518 if ( $v->Name() == $type ) return $v->Value();
519 }
520 return null;
521 }
524 /**
525 * Get the value of the specified parameter for the first property matching the
526 * name. Obviously this isn't so useful for properties which may occur multiply, but most don't.
527 *
528 * @param string $type The type of property we are after.
529 * @param string $type The name of the parameter we are after.
530 * @return string The value of the parameter for the property, or null in the case that there was no such property, or no such parameter.
531 */
532 function GetPParamValue( $type, $parameter_name ) {
533 foreach( $this->properties AS $k => $v ) {
534 if ( $v->Name() == $type ) return $v->GetParameterValue($parameter_name);
535 }
536 return null;
537 }
540 /**
541 * Clear all properties, or the properties matching a particular type
542 * @param string $type The type of property - omit for all properties
543 */
544 function ClearProperties( $type = null ) {
545 if ( $type != null ) {
546 // First remove all the existing ones of that type
547 foreach( $this->properties AS $k => $v ) {
548 if ( $v->Name() == $type ) {
549 unset($this->properties[$k]);
550 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
551 }
552 }
553 $this->properties = array_values($this->properties);
554 }
555 else {
556 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
557 $this->properties = array();
558 }
559 }
562 /**
563 * Set all properties, or the ones matching a particular type
564 */
565 function SetProperties( $new_properties, $type = null ) {
566 if ( isset($this->rendered) && count($new_properties) > 0 ) unset($this->rendered);
567 $this->ClearProperties($type);
568 foreach( $new_properties AS $k => $v ) {
569 $this->AddProperty($v);
570 }
571 }
574 /**
575 * Adds a new property
576 *
577 * @param iCalProp $new_property The new property to append to the set, or a string with the name
578 * @param string $value The value of the new property (default: param 1 is an iCalProp with everything
579 * @param array $parameters The key/value parameter pairs (default: none, or param 1 is an iCalProp with everything)
580 */
581 function AddProperty( $new_property, $value = null, $parameters = null ) {
582 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
583 if ( isset($value) && gettype($new_property) == 'string' ) {
584 $new_prop = new iCalProp();
585 $new_prop->Name($new_property);
586 $new_prop->Value($value);
587 if ( $parameters != null ) $new_prop->Parameters($parameters);
588 dbg_error_log("iCalendar"," Adding new property '%s'", $new_prop->Render() );
589 $this->properties[] = $new_prop;
590 }
591 else if ( gettype($new_property) ) {
592 $this->properties[] = $new_property;
593 }
594 }
597 /**
598 * Get all sub-components, or at least get those matching a type
599 * @return array an array of the sub-components
600 */
601 function &FirstNonTimezone( $type = null ) {
602 foreach( $this->components AS $k => $v ) {
603 if ( $v->GetType() != 'VTIMEZONE' ) return $this->components[$k];
604 }
605 $result = false;
606 return $result;
607 }
610 /**
611 * Return true if the person identified by the email address is down as an
612 * organizer for this meeting.
613 * @param string $email The e-mail address of the person we're seeking.
614 * @return boolean true if we found 'em, false if we didn't.
615 */
616 function IsOrganizer( $email ) {
617 if ( !preg_match( '#^mailto:#', $email ) ) $email = 'mailto:$email';
618 $props = $this->GetPropertiesByPath('!VTIMEZONE/ORGANIZER');
619 foreach( $props AS $k => $prop ) {
620 if ( $prop->Value() == $email ) return true;
621 }
622 return false;
623 }
626 /**
627 * Return true if the person identified by the email address is down as an
628 * attendee or organizer for this meeting.
629 * @param string $email The e-mail address of the person we're seeking.
630 * @return boolean true if we found 'em, false if we didn't.
631 */
632 function IsAttendee( $email ) {
633 if ( !preg_match( '#^mailto:#', $email ) ) $email = 'mailto:$email';
634 if ( $this->IsOrganizer($email) ) return true; /** an organizer is an attendee, as far as we're concerned */
635 $props = $this->GetPropertiesByPath('!VTIMEZONE/ATTENDEE');
636 foreach( $props AS $k => $prop ) {
637 if ( $prop->Value() == $email ) return true;
638 }
639 return false;
640 }
643 /**
644 * Get all sub-components, or at least get those matching a type, or failling to match,
645 * should the second parameter be set to false.
646 *
647 * @param string $type The type to match (default: All)
648 * @param boolean $normal_match Set to false to invert the match (default: true)
649 * @return array an array of the sub-components
650 */
651 function GetComponents( $type = null, $normal_match = true ) {
652 $components = $this->components;
653 if ( $type != null ) {
654 foreach( $components AS $k => $v ) {
655 if ( ($v->GetType() != $type) === $normal_match ) {
656 unset($components[$k]);
657 }
658 }
659 $components = array_values($components);
660 }
661 return $components;
662 }
665 /**
666 * Clear all components, or the components matching a particular type
667 * @param string $type The type of component - omit for all components
668 */
669 function ClearComponents( $type = null ) {
670 if ( $type != null ) {
671 // First remove all the existing ones of that type
672 foreach( $this->components AS $k => $v ) {
673 if ( $v->GetType() == $type ) {
674 unset($this->components[$k]);
675 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
676 }
677 else {
678 if ( ! $this->components[$k]->ClearComponents($type) ) {
679 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
680 }
681 }
682 }
683 return isset($this->rendered);
684 }
685 else {
686 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
687 $this->components = array();
688 }
689 }
692 /**
693 * Sets some or all sub-components of the component to the supplied new components
694 *
695 * @param array of iCalComponent $new_components The new components to replace the existing ones
696 * @param string $type The type of components to be replaced. Defaults to null, which means all components will be replaced.
697 */
698 function SetComponents( $new_component, $type = null ) {
699 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
700 if ( count($new_component) > 0 ) $this->ClearComponents($type);
701 foreach( $new_component AS $k => $v ) {
702 $this->components[] = $v;
703 }
704 }
707 /**
708 * Adds a new subcomponent
709 *
710 * @param iCalComponent $new_component The new component to append to the set
711 */
712 function AddComponent( $new_component ) {
713 if ( is_array($new_component) && count($new_component) == 0 ) return;
714 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
715 if ( is_array($new_component) ) {
716 foreach( $new_component AS $k => $v ) {
717 $this->components[] = $v;
718 }
719 }
720 else {
721 $this->components[] = $new_component;
722 }
723 }
726 /**
727 * Mask components, removing any that are not of the types in the list
728 * @param array $keep An array of component types to be kept
729 */
730 function MaskComponents( $keep ) {
731 foreach( $this->components AS $k => $v ) {
732 if ( ! in_array( $v->GetType(), $keep ) ) {
733 unset($this->components[$k]);
734 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
735 }
736 else {
737 $v->MaskComponents($keep);
738 }
739 }
740 }
743 /**
744 * Mask properties, removing any that are not in the list
745 * @param array $keep An array of property names to be kept
746 * @param array $component_list An array of component types to check within
747 */
748 function MaskProperties( $keep, $component_list=null ) {
749 foreach( $this->components AS $k => $v ) {
750 $v->MaskProperties($keep, $component_list);
751 }
753 if ( !isset($component_list) || in_array($this->GetType(),$component_list) ) {
754 foreach( $this->components AS $k => $v ) {
755 if ( ! in_array( $v->GetType(), $keep ) ) {
756 unset($this->components[$k]);
757 if ( isset($this->rendered) ) unset($this->rendered);
758 }
759 }
760 }
761 }
764 /**
765 * Clone this component (and subcomponents) into a confidential version of it. A confidential
766 * event will be scrubbed of any identifying characteristics other than time/date, repeat, uid
767 * and a summary which is just a translated 'Busy'.
768 */
769 function CloneConfidential() {
770 $confidential = clone($this);
771 $keep_properties = array( 'DTSTAMP', 'DTSTART', 'RRULE', 'DURATION', 'DTEND', 'UID', 'CLASS', 'TRANSP' );
772 $resource_components = array( 'VEVENT', 'VTODO', 'VJOURNAL' );
773 $confidential->MaskComponents(array( 'VTIMEZONE', 'VEVENT', 'VTODO', 'VJOURNAL' ));
774 $confidential->MaskProperties($keep_properties, $resource_components );
775 if ( in_array( $confidential->GetType(), $resource_components ) ) {
776 $confidential->AddProperty( 'SUMMARY', translate('Busy') );
777 }
778 foreach( $confidential->components AS $k => $v ) {
779 if ( in_array( $v->GetType(), $resource_components ) ) {
780 $v->AddProperty( 'SUMMARY', translate('Busy') );
781 }
782 }
784 return $confidential;
785 }
788 /**
789 * Renders the component, possibly restricted to only the listed properties
790 */
791 function Render( $restricted_properties = null) {
793 $unrestricted = (!isset($restricted_properties) || count($restricted_properties) == 0);
795 if ( isset($this->rendered) && $unrestricted )
796 return $this->rendered;
798 $rendered = "BEGIN:$this->type\r\n";
799 foreach( $this->properties AS $k => $v ) {
800 if ( $unrestricted || isset($restricted_properties[$v]) ) $rendered .= $v->Render() . "\r\n";
801 }
802 foreach( $this->components AS $v ) { $rendered .= $v->Render(); }
803 $rendered .= "END:$this->type\r\n";
804 // $rendered = $this->WrapComponent($rendered);
806 if ( $unrestricted ) $this->rendered = $rendered;
808 return $rendered;
809 }
811 /**
812 * Return an array of properties matching the specified path
813 *
814 * @return array An array of iCalProp within the tree which match the path given, in the form
815 * [/]COMPONENT[/...]/PROPERTY in a syntax kind of similar to our poor man's XML queries. We
816 * also allow COMPONENT and PROPERTY to be !COMPONENT and !PROPERTY for ++fun.
817 *
818 * @note At some point post PHP4 this could be re-done with an iterator, which should be more efficient for common use cases.
819 */
820 function GetPropertiesByPath( $path ) {
821 $properties = array();
822 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "GetPropertiesByPath: Querying within '%s' for path '%s'", $this->type, $path );
823 if ( !preg_match( '#(/?)(!?)([^/]+)(/?.*)$#', $path, $matches ) ) return $properties;
825 $adrift = ($matches[1] == '');
826 $normal = ($matches[2] == '');
827 $ourtest = $matches[3];
828 $therest = $matches[4];
829 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", "GetPropertiesByPath: Matches: %s -- %s -- %s -- %s\n", $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[4] );
830 if ( $ourtest == '*' || (($ourtest == $this->type) === $normal) && $therest != '' ) {
831 if ( preg_match( '#^/(!?)([^/]+)$#', $therest, $matches ) ) {
832 $normmatch = ($matches[1] =='');
833 $proptest = $matches[2];
834 foreach( $this->properties AS $k => $v ) {
835 if ( $proptest = '*' || (($v->Name() == $proptest) === $normmatch ) ) {
836 $properties[] = $v;
837 }
838 }
839 }
840 else {
841 /**
842 * There is more to the path, so we recurse into that sub-part
843 */
844 foreach( $this->components AS $k => $v ) {
845 $properties = array_merge( $properties, $v->GetPropertiesByPath($therest) );
846 }
847 }
848 }
850 if ( $adrift ) {
851 /**
852 * Our input $path was not rooted, so we recurse further
853 */
854 foreach( $this->components AS $k => $v ) {
855 $properties = array_merge( $properties, $v->GetPropertiesByPath($path) );
856 }
857 }
858 dbg_error_log("iCalendar", "GetPropertiesByPath: Found %d within '%s' for path '%s'\n", count($properties), $this->type, $path );
859 return $properties;
860 }
862 }
864 /**
865 ************************************************************************************
866 * Pretty much everything below here is deprecated and should be avoided in favour
867 * of using, improving and enhancing the more sensible structures above.
868 ************************************************************************************
869 */
871 /**
872 * A Class for handling Events on a calendar
873 *
874 * @package awl
875 */
876 class iCalendar {
877 /**#@+
878 * @access private
879 */
881 /**
882 * The component-ised version of the iCalendar
883 * @var component iCalComponent
884 */
885 var $component;
887 /**
888 * An array of arbitrary properties, containing arbitrary arrays of arbitrary properties
889 * @var properties array
890 */
891 var $properties;
893 /**
894 * An array of the lines of this iCalendar resource
895 * @var lines array
896 */
897 var $lines;
899 /**
900 * The typical location name for the standard timezone such as "Pacific/Auckland"
901 * @var tz_locn string
902 */
903 var $tz_locn;
905 /**
906 * The type of iCalendar data VEVENT/VTODO/VJOURNAL
907 * @var type string
908 */
909 var $type;
911 /**#@-*/
913 /**
914 * The constructor takes an array of args. If there is an element called 'icalendar'
915 * then that will be parsed into the iCalendar object. Otherwise the array elements
916 * are converted into properties of the iCalendar object directly.
917 */
918 function iCalendar( $args ) {
919 global $c;
921 $this->tz_locn = "";
922 if ( !isset($args) || !(is_array($args) || is_object($args)) ) return;
923 if ( is_object($args) ) {
924 settype($args,'array');
925 }
927 $this->component = new iCalComponent();
928 if ( isset($args['icalendar']) ) {
929 $this->component->ParseFrom($args['icalendar']);
930 $this->lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', $args['icalendar'] );
931 $this->SaveTimeZones();
932 $first =& $this->component->FirstNonTimezone();
933 if ( $first ) {
934 $this->type = $first->GetType();
935 $this->properties = $first->GetProperties();
936 }
937 else {
938 $this->properties = array();
939 }
940 $this->properties['VCALENDAR'] = array('***ERROR*** This class is being referenced in an unsupported way!');
941 return;
942 }
944 if ( isset($args['type'] ) ) {
945 $this->type = $args['type'];
946 unset( $args['type'] );
947 }
948 else {
949 $this->type = 'VEVENT'; // Default to event
950 }
951 $this->component->SetType('VCALENDAR');
952 $this->component->SetProperties(
953 array(
954 new iCalProp('PRODID:-//davical.org//NONSGML AWL Calendar//EN'),
955 new iCalProp('VERSION:2.0'),
956 new iCalProp('CALSCALE:GREGORIAN')
957 )
958 );
959 $first = new iCalComponent();
960 $first->SetType($this->type);
961 $this->properties = array();
963 foreach( $args AS $k => $v ) {
964 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", ":Initialise: %s to >>>%s<<<", $k, $v );
965 $property = new iCalProp();
966 $property->Name($k);
967 $property->Value($v);
968 $this->properties[] = $property;
969 }
970 $first->SetProperties($this->properties);
971 $this->component->SetComponents( array($first) );
973 $this->properties['VCALENDAR'] = array('***ERROR*** This class is being referenced in an unsupported way!');
975 /**
976 * @todo Need to handle timezones!!!
977 */
978 if ( $this->tz_locn == "" ) {
979 $this->tz_locn = $this->Get("tzid");
980 if ( (!isset($this->tz_locn) || $this->tz_locn == "") && isset($c->local_tzid) ) {
981 $this->tz_locn = $c->local_tzid;
982 }
983 }
984 }
987 /**
988 * Save any timezones by TZID in the PostgreSQL database for future re-use.
989 */
990 function SaveTimeZones() {
991 global $c;
993 $this->tzid_list = array_keys($this->component->CollectParameterValues('TZID'));
994 if ( ! isset($this->tzid) && count($this->tzid_list) > 0 ) {
995 dbg_error_log( "icalendar", "::TZID_List[0] = '%s', count=%d", $this->tzid_list[0], count($this->tzid_list) );
996 $this->tzid = $this->tzid_list[0];
997 }
999 $timezones = $this->component->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE');
1000 if ( $timezones === false || count($timezones) == 0 ) return;
1001 $this->vtimezone = $timezones[0]->Render(); // Backward compatibility
1003 $tzid = $this->Get('TZID');
1004 if ( isset($c->save_time_zone_defs) && $c->save_time_zone_defs ) {
1005 foreach( $timezones AS $k => $tz ) {
1006 $tzid = $tz->GetPValue('TZID');
1008 $qry = new PgQuery( "SELECT tz_locn FROM time_zone WHERE tz_id = ?;", $tzid );
1009 if ( $qry->Exec('iCalendar') && $qry->rows == 1 ) {
1010 $row = $qry->Fetch();
1011 if ( !isset($first_tzid) ) $first_tzid = $row->tz_locn;
1012 continue;
1013 }
1015 if ( $tzid != "" && $qry->rows == 0 ) {
1017 $tzname = $tz->GetPValue('X-LIC-LOCATION');
1018 if ( !isset($tzname) ) {
1019 /**
1020 * Try and convert the TZID to a string like "Pacific/Auckland" if possible.
1021 */
1022 $tzname = preg_replace('#^(.*[^a-z])?([a-z]+/[a-z]+)$#i','$2',$tzid );
1023 }
1025 $qry2 = new PgQuery( "INSERT INTO time_zone (tz_id, tz_locn, tz_spec) VALUES( ?, ?, ? );",
1026 $tzid, $tzname, $tz->Render() );
1027 $qry2->Exec("iCalendar");
1028 }
1029 }
1030 }
1031 if ( ! isset($this->tzid) && isset($first_tzid) ) $this->tzid = $first_tzid;
1033 if ( (!isset($this->tz_locn) || $this->tz_locn == '') && isset($first_tzid) && $first_tzid != '' ) {
1034 $tzname = preg_replace('#^(.*[^a-z])?([a-z]+/[a-z]+)$#i','$2', $first_tzid );
1035 if ( preg_match( '#\S+/\S+#', $tzname) ) {
1036 $this->tz_locn = $tzname;
1037 }
1038 dbg_error_log( "icalendar", " TZCrap1: TZID '%s', Location '%s', Perhaps: %s", $tzid, $this->tz_locn, $tzname );
1039 }
1041 if ( (!isset($this->tz_locn) || $this->tz_locn == "") && isset($c->local_tzid) ) {
1042 $this->tz_locn = $c->local_tzid;
1043 }
1044 if ( ! isset($this->tzid) && isset($this->tz_locn) ) $this->tzid = $this->tz_locn;
1045 }
1048 /**
1049 * An array of property names that we should always want when rendering an iCalendar
1050 *
1051 * @deprecated This function is deprecated and will be removed eventually.
1052 * @todo Remove this function.
1053 */
1054 function DefaultPropertyList() {
1055 dbg_error_log( "LOG", " iCalendar: Call to deprecated method '%s'", 'DefaultPropertyList' );
1056 return array( "UID" => 1, "DTSTAMP" => 1, "DTSTART" => 1, "DURATION" => 1,
1057 "LAST-MODIFIED" => 1,"CLASS" => 1, "TRANSP" => 1, "SEQUENCE" => 1,
1058 "DUE" => 1, "SUMMARY" => 1, "RRULE" => 1 );
1059 }
1061 /**
1062 * A function to extract the contents of a BEGIN:SOMETHING to END:SOMETHING (perhaps multiply)
1063 * and return just that bit (or, of course, those bits :-)
1064 *
1065 * @var string The type of thing(s) we want returned.
1066 * @var integer The number of SOMETHINGS we want to get.
1067 *
1068 * @return string A string from BEGIN:SOMETHING to END:SOMETHING, possibly multiple of these
1069 *
1070 * @deprecated This function is deprecated and will be removed eventually.
1071 * @todo Remove this function.
1072 */
1073 function JustThisBitPlease( $type, $count=1 ) {
1074 dbg_error_log( "LOG", " iCalendar: Call to deprecated method '%s'", 'JustThisBitPlease' );
1075 $answer = "";
1076 $intags = false;
1077 $start = "BEGIN:$type";
1078 $finish = "END:$type";
1079 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", ":JTBP: Looking for %d subsets of type %s", $count, $type );
1080 reset($this->lines);
1081 foreach( $this->lines AS $k => $v ) {
1082 if ( !$intags && $v == $start ) {
1083 $answer .= $v . "\n";
1084 $intags = true;
1085 }
1086 else if ( $intags && $v == $finish ) {
1087 $answer .= $v . "\n";
1088 $intags = false;
1089 }
1090 else if ( $intags ) {
1091 $answer .= $v . "\n";
1092 }
1093 }
1094 return $answer;
1095 }
1098 /**
1099 * Function to parse lines from BEGIN:SOMETHING to END:SOMETHING into a nested array structure
1100 *
1101 * @var string The "SOMETHING" from the BEGIN:SOMETHING line we just met
1102 * @return arrayref An array of the things we found between (excluding) the BEGIN & END, some of which might be sub-arrays
1103 *
1104 * @deprecated This function is deprecated and will be removed eventually.
1105 * @todo Remove this function.
1106 */
1107 function &ParseSomeLines( $type ) {
1108 dbg_error_log( "LOG", " iCalendar: Call to deprecated method '%s'", 'ParseSomeLines' );
1109 $props = array();
1110 $properties =& $props;
1111 while( isset($this->lines[$this->_current_parse_line]) ) {
1112 $i = $this->_current_parse_line++;
1113 $line =& $this->lines[$i];
1114 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", ":Parse:%s LINE %03d: >>>%s<<<", $type, $i, $line );
1115 if ( $this->parsing_vtimezone ) {
1116 $this->vtimezone .= $line."\n";
1117 }
1118 if ( preg_match( '/^(BEGIN|END):([^:]+)$/', $line, $matches ) ) {
1119 if ( $matches[1] == 'END' && $matches[2] == $type ) {
1120 if ( $type == 'VTIMEZONE' ) {
1121 $this->parsing_vtimezone = false;
1122 }
1123 return $properties;
1124 }
1125 else if( $matches[1] == 'END' ) {
1126 dbg_error_log("ERROR"," iCalendar: parse error: Unexpected END:%s when we were looking for END:%s", $matches[2], $type );
1127 return $properties;
1128 }
1129 else if( $matches[1] == 'BEGIN' ) {
1130 $subtype = $matches[2];
1131 if ( $subtype == 'VTIMEZONE' ) {
1132 $this->parsing_vtimezone = true;
1133 $this->vtimezone = $line."\n";
1134 }
1135 if ( !isset($properties['INSIDE']) ) $properties['INSIDE'] = array();
1136 $properties['INSIDE'][] = $subtype;
1137 if ( !isset($properties[$subtype]) ) $properties[$subtype] = array();
1138 $properties[$subtype][] = $this->ParseSomeLines($subtype);
1139 }
1140 }
1141 else {
1142 // Parse the property
1143 @list( $property, $value ) = preg_split('/:/', $line, 2 );
1144 if ( strpos( $property, ';' ) > 0 ) {
1145 $parameterlist = preg_split('/;/', $property );
1146 $property = array_shift($parameterlist);
1147 foreach( $parameterlist AS $pk => $pv ) {
1148 if ( $pv == "VALUE=DATE" ) {
1149 $value .= 'T000000';
1150 }
1151 elseif ( preg_match('/^([^;:=]+)=([^;:=]+)$/', $pv, $matches) ) {
1152 switch( $matches[1] ) {
1153 case 'TZID': $properties['TZID'] = $matches[2]; break;
1154 default:
1155 dbg_error_log( "icalendar", " FYI: Ignoring Resource '%s', Property '%s', Parameter '%s', Value '%s'", $type, $property, $matches[1], $matches[2] );
1156 }
1157 }
1158 }
1159 }
1160 if ( $this->parsing_vtimezone && (!isset($this->tz_locn) || $this->tz_locn == "") && $property == 'X-LIC-LOCATION' ) {
1161 $this->tz_locn = $value;
1162 }
1163 $properties[strtoupper($property)] = $this->RFC2445ContentUnescape($value);
1164 }
1165 }
1166 return $properties;
1167 }
1170 /**
1171 * Build the iCalendar object from a text string which is a single iCalendar resource
1172 *
1173 * @var string The RFC2445 iCalendar resource to be parsed
1174 *
1175 * @deprecated This function is deprecated and will be removed eventually.
1176 * @todo Remove this function.
1177 */
1178 function BuildFromText( $icalendar ) {
1179 dbg_error_log( "LOG", " iCalendar: Call to deprecated method '%s'", 'BuildFromText' );
1180 /**
1181 * This unescapes the (CRLF + linear space) wrapping specified in RFC2445. According
1182 * to RFC2445 we should always end with CRLF but the CalDAV spec says that normalising
1183 * XML parsers often muck with it and may remove the CR.
1184 */
1185 $icalendar = preg_replace('/\r?\n[ \t]/', '', $icalendar );
1187 $this->lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', $icalendar );
1189 $this->_current_parse_line = 0;
1190 $this->properties = $this->ParseSomeLines('');
1192 /**
1193 * Our 'type' is the type of non-timezone inside a VCALENDAR
1194 */
1195 if ( isset($this->properties['VCALENDAR'][0]['INSIDE']) ) {
1196 foreach ( $this->properties['VCALENDAR'][0]['INSIDE'] AS $k => $v ) {
1197 if ( $v == 'VTIMEZONE' ) continue;
1198 $this->type = $v;
1199 break;
1200 }
1201 }
1203 }
1206 /**
1207 * Returns a content string with the RFC2445 escaping removed
1208 *
1209 * @param string $escaped The incoming string to be escaped.
1210 * @return string The string with RFC2445 content escaping removed.
1211 *
1212 * @deprecated This function is deprecated and will be removed eventually.
1213 * @todo Remove this function.
1214 */
1215 function RFC2445ContentUnescape( $escaped ) {
1216 dbg_error_log( "LOG", " iCalendar: Call to deprecated method '%s'", 'RFC2445ContentUnescape' );
1217 $unescaped = str_replace( '\\n', "\n", $escaped);
1218 $unescaped = str_replace( '\\N', "\n", $unescaped);
1219 $unescaped = preg_replace( "/\\\\([,;:\"\\\\])/", '$1', $unescaped);
1220 return $unescaped;
1221 }
1225 /**
1226 * Do what must be done with time zones from on file. Attempt to turn
1227 * them into something that PostgreSQL can understand...
1228 *
1229 * @deprecated This function is deprecated and will be removed eventually.
1230 * @todo Remove this function.
1231 */
1232 function DealWithTimeZones() {
1233 global $c;
1235 dbg_error_log( "LOG", " iCalendar: Call to deprecated method '%s'", 'DealWithTimeZones' );
1236 $tzid = $this->Get('TZID');
1237 if ( isset($c->save_time_zone_defs) && $c->save_time_zone_defs ) {
1238 $qry = new PgQuery( "SELECT tz_locn FROM time_zone WHERE tz_id = ?;", $tzid );
1239 if ( $qry->Exec('iCalendar') && $qry->rows == 1 ) {
1240 $row = $qry->Fetch();
1241 $this->tz_locn = $row->tz_locn;
1242 }
1243 dbg_error_log( "icalendar", " TZCrap2: TZID '%s', DB Rows=%d, Location '%s'", $tzid, $qry->rows, $this->tz_locn );
1244 }
1246 if ( (!isset($this->tz_locn) || $this->tz_locn == '') && $tzid != '' ) {
1247 /**
1248 * In case there was no X-LIC-LOCATION defined, let's hope there is something in the TZID
1249 * that we can use. We are looking for a string like "Pacific/Auckland" if possible.
1250 */
1251 $tzname = preg_replace('#^(.*[^a-z])?([a-z]+/[a-z]+)$#i','$1',$tzid );
1252 /**
1253 * Unfortunately this kind of thing will never work well :-(
1254 *
1255 if ( strstr( $tzname, ' ' ) ) {
1256 $words = preg_split('/\s/', $tzname );
1257 $tzabbr = '';
1258 foreach( $words AS $i => $word ) {
1259 $tzabbr .= substr( $word, 0, 1);
1260 }
1261 $this->tz_locn = $tzabbr;
1262 }
1263 */
1264 if ( preg_match( '#\S+/\S+#', $tzname) ) {
1265 $this->tz_locn = $tzname;
1266 }
1267 dbg_error_log( "icalendar", " TZCrap3: TZID '%s', Location '%s', Perhaps: %s", $tzid, $this->tz_locn, $tzname );
1268 }
1270 if ( $tzid != '' && isset($c->save_time_zone_defs) && $c->save_time_zone_defs && $qry->rows != 1 && isset($this->vtimezone) && $this->vtimezone != "" ) {
1271 $qry2 = new PgQuery( "INSERT INTO time_zone (tz_id, tz_locn, tz_spec) VALUES( ?, ?, ? );",
1272 $tzid, $this->tz_locn, $this->vtimezone );
1273 $qry2->Exec("iCalendar");
1274 }
1276 if ( (!isset($this->tz_locn) || $this->tz_locn == "") && isset($c->local_tzid) ) {
1277 $this->tz_locn = $c->local_tzid;
1278 }
1279 }
1282 /**
1283 * Get the value of a property in the first non-VTIMEZONE
1284 */
1285 function Get( $key ) {
1286 if ( strtoupper($key) == 'TZID' ) {
1287 // backward compatibility hack
1288 dbg_error_log( "icalendar", " Get(TZID): TZID '%s', Location '%s'", (isset($this->tzid)?$this->tzid:"[not set]"), $this->tz_locn );
1289 if ( isset($this->tzid) ) return $this->tzid;
1290 return $this->tz_locn;
1291 }
1292 /**
1293 * The property we work on is the first non-VTIMEZONE we find.
1294 */
1295 $component =& $this->component->FirstNonTimezone();
1296 if ( $component === false ) return null;
1297 return $component->GetPValue(strtoupper($key));
1298 }
1301 /**
1302 * Set the value of a property
1303 */
1304 function Set( $key, $value ) {
1305 if ( $value == "" ) return;
1306 $key = strtoupper($key);
1307 $property = new iCalProp();
1308 $property->Name($key);
1309 $property->Value($value);
1310 if (isset($this->component->rendered) ) unset( $this->component->rendered );
1311 $component =& $this->component->FirstNonTimezone();
1312 $component->SetProperties( array($property), $key);
1313 return $this->Get($key);
1314 }
1317 /**
1318 * Add a new property/value, regardless of whether it exists already
1319 *
1320 * @param string $key The property key
1321 * @param string $value The property value
1322 * @param string $parameters Any parameters to set for the property, as an array of key/value pairs
1323 */
1324 function Add( $key, $value, $parameters = null ) {
1325 if ( $value == "" ) return;
1326 $key = strtoupper($key);
1327 $property = new iCalProp();
1328 $property->Name($key);
1329 $property->Value($value);
1330 if ( isset($parameters) && is_array($parameters) ) {
1331 $property->parameters = $parameters;
1332 }
1333 $component =& $this->component->FirstNonTimezone();
1334 $component->AddProperty($property);
1335 if (isset($this->component->rendered) ) unset( $this->component->rendered );
1336 }
1339 /**
1340 * Because I screwed up with the name originally...
1342 * todo:: Remove this function after June 2008.
1343 */
1344 function Put( $key, $value ) {
1345 dbg_error_log( "LOG", " iCalendar: Call to deprecated method '%s'", 'Put' );
1346 $this->Set($key,$value);
1347 }
1349 /**
1350 * Returns a PostgreSQL Date Format string suitable for returning HTTP (RFC2068) dates
1351 * Preferred is "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT" so we do that.
1352 */
1353 function HttpDateFormat() {
1354 return "'Dy, DD Mon IYYY HH24:MI:SS \"GMT\"'";
1355 }
1358 /**
1359 * Returns a PostgreSQL Date Format string suitable for returning iCal dates
1360 */
1361 function SqlDateFormat() {
1362 return "'YYYYMMDD\"T\"HH24MISS'";
1363 }
1366 /**
1367 * Returns a PostgreSQL Date Format string suitable for returning dates which
1368 * have been cast to UTC
1369 */
1370 function SqlUTCFormat() {
1371 return "'YYYYMMDD\"T\"HH24MISS\"Z\"'";
1372 }
1375 /**
1376 * Returns a PostgreSQL Date Format string suitable for returning iCal durations
1377 * - this doesn't work for negative intervals, but events should not have such!
1378 */
1379 function SqlDurationFormat() {
1380 return "'\"PT\"HH24\"H\"MI\"M\"'";
1381 }
1383 /**
1384 * Returns a suitably escaped RFC2445 content string.
1385 *
1386 * @param string $name The incoming name[;param] prefixing the string.
1387 * @param string $value The incoming string to be escaped.
1388 *
1389 * @deprecated This function is deprecated and will be removed eventually.
1390 * @todo Remove this function.
1391 */
1392 function RFC2445ContentEscape( $name, $value ) {
1393 dbg_error_log( "LOG", " iCalendar: Call to deprecated method '%s'", 'RFC2445ContentEscape' );
1394 $property = preg_replace( '/[;].*$/', '', $name );
1395 switch( $property ) {
1396 /** Content escaping does not apply to these properties culled from RFC2445 */
1397 case 'ATTACH': case 'GEO': case 'PERCENT-COMPLETE': case 'PRIORITY':
1398 case 'COMPLETED': case 'DTEND': case 'DUE': case 'DTSTART':
1399 case 'DURATION': case 'FREEBUSY': case 'TZOFFSETFROM': case 'TZOFFSETTO':
1400 case 'TZURL': case 'ATTENDEE': case 'ORGANIZER': case 'RECURRENCE-ID':
1401 case 'URL': case 'EXDATE': case 'EXRULE': case 'RDATE':
1402 case 'RRULE': case 'REPEAT': case 'TRIGGER': case 'CREATED':
1403 case 'DTSTAMP': case 'LAST-MODIFIED': case 'SEQUENCE':
1404 break;
1406 /** Content escaping applies by default to other properties */
1407 default:
1408 $value = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $value);
1409 $value = preg_replace( '/\r?\n/', '\\n', $value);
1410 $value = preg_replace( "/([,;:\"])/", '\\\\$1', $value);
1411 }
1412 $result = wordwrap("$name:$value", 73, " \r\n ", true ) . "\r\n";
1413 return $result;
1414 }
1416 /**
1417 * Return all sub-components of the given type, which are part of the
1418 * component we pass in as an array of lines.
1419 *
1420 * @param array $component The component to be parsed
1421 * @param string $type The type of sub-components to be extracted
1422 * @param int $count The number of sub-components to extract (default: 9999)
1423 *
1424 * @return array The sub-component lines
1425 */
1426 function ExtractSubComponent( $component, $type, $count=9999 ) {
1427 $answer = array();
1428 $intags = false;
1429 $start = "BEGIN:$type";
1430 $finish = "END:$type";
1431 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", ":ExtractSubComponent: Looking for %d subsets of type %s", $count, $type );
1432 reset($component);
1433 foreach( $component AS $k => $v ) {
1434 if ( !$intags && $v == $start ) {
1435 $answer[] = $v;
1436 $intags = true;
1437 }
1438 else if ( $intags && $v == $finish ) {
1439 $answer[] = $v;
1440 $intags = false;
1441 }
1442 else if ( $intags ) {
1443 $answer[] = $v;
1444 }
1445 }
1446 return $answer;
1447 }
1450 /**
1451 * Extract a particular property from the provided component. In doing so we
1452 * assume that the content was unescaped when iCalComponent::ParseFrom()
1453 * called iCalComponent::UnwrapComponent().
1454 *
1455 * @param array $component An array of lines of this component
1456 * @param string $type The type of parameter
1457 *
1458 * @return array An array of iCalProperty objects
1459 */
1460 function ExtractProperty( $component, $type, $count=9999 ) {
1461 $answer = array();
1462 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", ":ExtractProperty: Looking for %d properties of type %s", $count, $type );
1463 reset($component);
1464 foreach( $component AS $k => $v ) {
1465 if ( preg_match( "/$type"."[;:]/i", $v ) ) {
1466 $answer[] = new iCalProp($v);
1467 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", ":ExtractProperty: Found property %s", $type );
1468 if ( --$count < 1 ) return $answer;
1469 }
1470 }
1471 return $answer;
1472 }
1475 /**
1476 * Applies the filter conditions, possibly recursively, to the value which will be either
1477 * a single property, or an array of lines of the component under test.
1478 *
1479 * @todo Eventually we need to handle all of these possibilities, which will mean writing
1480 * several routines:
1481 * - Get Property from Component
1482 * - Get Parameter from Property
1483 * - Test TimeRange
1484 * For the moment we will leave these, until there is a perceived need.
1485 *
1486 * @param array $filter An array of XMLElement defining the filter(s)
1487 * @param mixed $value Either a string which is the single property, or an array of lines, for the component.
1488 * @return boolean Whether the filter passed / failed.
1489 */
1490 function ApplyFilter( $filter, $value ) {
1491 foreach( $filter AS $k => $v ) {
1492 $tag = $v->GetTag();
1493 $value_type = gettype($value);
1494 $value_defined = (isset($value) && $value_type == 'string') || ($value_type == 'array' && count($value) > 0 );
1495 if ( $tag == 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:is-not-defined' && $value_defined ) {
1496 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", ":ApplyFilter: Value is set ('%s'), want unset, for filter %s", count($value), $tag );
1497 return false;
1498 }
1499 elseif ( $tag == 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:is-defined' && !$value_defined ) {
1500 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", ":ApplyFilter: Want value, but it is not set for filter %s", $tag );
1501 return false;
1502 }
1503 else {
1504 switch( $tag ) {
1505 case 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:time-range':
1506 /** todo:: While this is unimplemented here at present, most time-range tests should occur at the SQL level. */
1507 break;
1508 case 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:text-match':
1509 $search = $v->GetContent();
1510 // In this case $value will either be a string, or an array of iCalProp objects
1511 // since TEXT-MATCH does not apply to COMPONENT level - only property/parameter
1512 if ( gettype($value) != 'string' ) {
1513 if ( gettype($value) == 'array' ) {
1514 $match = false;
1515 foreach( $value AS $k1 => $v1 ) {
1516 // $v1 could be an iCalProp object
1517 if ( $match = $v1->TextMatch($search)) break;
1518 }
1519 }
1520 else {
1521 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", ":ApplyFilter: TEXT-MATCH will only work on strings or arrays of iCalProp. %s unsupported", gettype($value) );
1522 return true; // We return _true_ in this case, so the client sees the item
1523 }
1524 }
1525 else {
1526 $match = strstr( $value, $search[0] );
1527 }
1528 $negate = $v->GetAttribute("negate-condition");
1529 if ( isset($negate) && strtolower($negate) == "yes" && $match ) {
1530 dbg_error_log( "iCalendar", ":ApplyFilter: TEXT-MATCH of %s'%s' against '%s'", (isset($negate) && strtolower($negate) == "yes"?'!':''), $search, $value );
1531 return false;
1532 }
1533 break;
1534 case 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:comp-filter':
1535 $subfilter = $v->GetContent();
1536 $component = $this->ExtractSubComponent($value,$v->GetAttribute("name"));
1537 if ( ! $this->ApplyFilter($subfilter,$component) ) return false;
1538 break;
1539 case 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:prop-filter':
1540 $subfilter = $v->GetContent();
1541 $properties = $this->ExtractProperty($value,$v->GetAttribute("name"));
1542 if ( ! $this->ApplyFilter($subfilter,$properties) ) return false;
1543 break;
1544 case 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:param-filter':
1545 $subfilter = $v->GetContent();
1546 $parameter = $this->ExtractParameter($value,$v->GetAttribute("NAME"));
1547 if ( ! $this->ApplyFilter($subfilter,$parameter) ) return false;
1548 break;
1549 }
1550 }
1551 }
1552 return true;
1553 }
1555 /**
1556 * Test a PROP-FILTER or COMP-FILTER and return a true/false
1557 * COMP-FILTER (is-defined | is-not-defined | (time-range?, prop-filter*, comp-filter*))
1558 * PROP-FILTER (is-defined | is-not-defined | ((time-range | text-match)?, param-filter*))
1559 *
1560 * @param array $filter An array of XMLElement defining the filter
1561 *
1562 * @return boolean Whether or not this iCalendar passes the test
1563 */
1564 function TestFilter( $filters ) {
1566 foreach( $filters AS $k => $v ) {
1567 $tag = $v->GetTag();
1568 $name = $v->GetAttribute("name");
1569 $filter = $v->GetContent();
1570 if ( $tag == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:prop-filter" ) {
1571 $value = $this->ExtractProperty($this->lines,$name);
1572 }
1573 else {
1574 $value = $this->ExtractSubComponent($this->lines,$v->GetAttribute("name"));
1575 }
1576 if ( count($value) == 0 ) unset($value);
1577 if ( ! $this->ApplyFilter($filter,$value) ) return false;
1578 }
1579 return true;
1580 }
1582 /**
1583 * Returns the header we always use at the start of our iCalendar resources
1584 *
1585 * @deprecated This function is deprecated and will be removed eventually.
1586 * @todo Remove this function.
1587 */
1588 function iCalHeader() {
1589 dbg_error_log( "LOG", " iCalendar: Call to deprecated method '%s'", 'iCalHeader' );
1590 return <<<EOTXT
1592 PRODID:-//davical.org//NONSGML AWL Calendar//EN\r
1593 VERSION:2.0\r
1595 EOTXT;
1596 }
1600 /**
1601 * Returns the footer we always use at the finish of our iCalendar resources
1602 *
1603 * @deprecated This function is deprecated and will be removed eventually.
1604 * @todo Remove this function.
1605 */
1606 function iCalFooter() {
1607 dbg_error_log( "LOG", " iCalendar: Call to deprecated method '%s'", 'iCalFooter' );
1608 return "END:VCALENDAR\r\n";
1609 }
1612 /**
1613 * Render the iCalendar object as a text string which is a single VEVENT (or other)
1614 *
1615 * @param boolean $as_calendar Whether or not to wrap the event in a VCALENDAR
1616 * @param string $type The type of iCalendar object (VEVENT, VTODO, VFREEBUSY etc.)
1617 * @param array $restrict_properties The names of the properties we want in our rendered result.
1618 */
1619 function Render( $as_calendar = true, $type = null, $restrict_properties = null ) {
1620 if ( $as_calendar ) {
1621 return $this->component->Render();
1622 }
1623 else {
1624 $components = $this->component->GetComponents($type);
1625 $rendered = "";
1626 foreach( $components AS $k => $v ) {
1627 $rendered .= $v->Render($restrict_properties);
1628 }
1629 return $rendered;
1630 }
1631 }
1633 }
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