]> git.datanom.net - webcal.git/blob - utils/sqlite.php
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[webcal.git] / utils / sqlite.php
1 <?php
2 /* $Id$ */
4 include_once 'config.inc.php';
5 require_once 'persistens.php';
6 require_once 'helper.php';
8 class SQLite extends PDO implements WebcalSupport {
10 function __construct($dns = NULL) {
11 if ($dns) {
12 $db_dns = "sqlite:$dns";
13 }
14 else {
15 $db_dns = 'sqlite:'.TOP_FOLDER.'/'.DNS;
16 }
17 try {
18 parent::__construct($db_dns, 0600);
19 parent::exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF");
20 //parent::setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
21 //parent::setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT);
22 }
23 catch (PDOException $ex) {
24 throw new Exception($ex->getMessage());
25 }
26 }
28 private function getMsg($resource) {
29 $err = $resource->errorInfo();
30 if (count($err) > 2)
31 return $err[2];
32 else
33 return "";
34 }
36 function initDatabase($name, $pwd, $uid) {
37 }
39 function createDatabase($name) {
40 $sql = "select count(*) as found from sqlite_master where
41 type = 'table' and name = 'user'";
42 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
43 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
44 $err = "$sql\n";
45 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
46 throw new Exception($err);
47 }
48 $sth->execute();
49 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
50 $err = "$sql\n";
51 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
52 throw new Exception($err);
53 }
54 $res = $sth->fetch();
55 if ($res['found'] == 0) {
56 $this->beginTransaction();
57 include 'db_create.sqlite.php';
58 $db = make_sql_stm();
59 foreach ($db as $sql) {
60 $sth->closeCursor();
61 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
62 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
63 $this->rollBack();
64 $err = "$sql\n";
65 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
66 throw new Exception($err);
67 }
68 $sth->execute();
69 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
70 $this->rollBack();
71 $err = "$sql\n";
72 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
73 throw new Exception($err);
74 }
75 }
76 $this->commit();
77 }
78 else
79 throw new Exception("Database exists");
80 }
82 function getViewStyle($uid) {
83 $sql = "select userview from user u where u.uid = ?";
84 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
85 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
86 $err = "$sql\n";
87 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
88 return $err;
89 }
90 $sth->execute(array($uid));
91 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
92 $err = "$sql\n";
93 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
94 return $err;
95 }
96 $res = $sth->fetch();
97 return $res[0];
98 }
100 function getRole($uid) {
101 $sql = "select userrole from user u where u.uid = ?";
102 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
103 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
104 $err = "$sql\n";
105 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
106 return $err;
107 }
108 $sth->execute(array($uid));
109 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
110 $err = "$sql\n";
111 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
112 return $err;
113 }
114 $res = $sth->fetch();
115 return $res[0];
116 }
118 function getTimeout($uid) {
119 $sql = "select timeout from user u where u.uid = ?";
120 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
121 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
122 $err = "$sql\n";
123 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
124 return $err;
125 }
126 $sth->execute(array($uid));
127 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
128 $err = "$sql\n";
129 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
130 return $err;
131 }
132 $res = $sth->fetch();
133 return $res[0];
134 }
136 function getTimezone($uid) {
137 $sql = "select timezone from user u where u.uid = ?";
138 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
139 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
140 $err = "$sql\n";
141 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
142 return $err;
143 }
144 $sth->execute(array($uid));
145 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
146 $err = "$sql\n";
147 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
148 return $err;
149 }
150 $res = $sth->fetch();
151 return $res[0];
152 }
154 function getStartWeek($uid) {
155 $sql = "select weekstart from user u where u.uid = ?";
156 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
157 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
158 $err = "$sql\n";
159 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
160 return $err;
161 }
162 $sth->execute(array($uid));
163 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
164 $err = "$sql\n";
165 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
166 return $err;
167 }
168 $res = $sth->fetch();
169 return ($res[0]) ? 'MO' : 'SU';
170 }
172 function getStartHour($uid) {
173 $sql = "select daystart from user u where u.uid = ?";
174 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
175 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
176 $err = "$sql\n";
177 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
178 return $err;
179 }
180 $sth->execute(array($uid));
181 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
182 $err = "$sql\n";
183 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
184 return $err;
185 }
186 $res = $sth->fetch();
187 return $res[0];
188 }
190 function getEndHour($uid) {
191 $sql = "select daystart from user u where u.uid = ?";
192 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
193 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
194 $err = "$sql\n";
195 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
196 return $err;
197 }
198 $sth->execute(array($uid));
199 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
200 $err = "$sql\n";
201 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
202 return $err;
203 }
204 $res = $sth->fetch();
205 return $res[0];
206 }
208 function authenticate($uid, $pwd) {
209 $res = array();
210 $sql = "select userrole, timeout, userview, weekstart, daystart,
211 dayend, timezone, seckey, pubkey, c.id id, name, color, config
212 from user u left join calendar c on c.uid = u.id where
213 u.uid = ? and u.pwd = ?";
214 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
215 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
216 $err = "$sql\n";
217 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
218 throw new Exception($err);
219 }
220 $sth->execute(array($uid,$pwd));
221 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
222 $err = "$sql\n";
223 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
224 throw new Exception($err);
225 }
226 $res = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
227 return $res;
228 }
230 function addUser($data) {
231 $sql = "insert into user (uid, pwd, timezone, userrole, seckey, pubkey, " .
232 "timeout, userview, weekstart, daystart, dayend) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
233 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
234 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
235 $err = "$sql\n";
236 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
237 return $err;
238 }
239 $this->beginTransaction();
240 $sth->execute(array($data['uid'],$data['pwd'],$data['timezone'],
241 $data['userrole'],$data['seckey'],$data['pubkey'],
242 $data['timeout'], $data['view'], ($data['week_start'] == false) ? 0 : 1,
243 $data['start'], $data['end']));
244 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
245 $this->rollBack();
246 $err = "$sql\n";
247 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
248 return $err;
249 }
250 $this->commit();
251 return TRUE;
252 }
254 function setUserSettings($uid, $data) {
255 $sql = "update user set userrole = ?, timeout = ?, userview = ?,
256 weekstart = ?, daystart = ?, dayend = ?, timezone = ?
257 where uid = ?";
258 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
259 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
260 $err = "$sql\n";
261 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
262 return $err;
263 }
264 $this->beginTransaction();
265 $sth->execute(array($data['userrole'],$data['timeout'],
266 $data['userview'],$data['weekstart'],$data['daystart'],
267 $data['dayend'],$data['timezone'],$uid));
268 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
269 $this->rollBack();
270 $err = "$sql\n";
271 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
272 return $err;
273 }
274 $this->commit();
275 return TRUE;
276 }
277 /*
278 timeout integer default 3600,
279 userview text default 'week',
280 weekstart integer default 0,
281 daystart real default 8.00,
282 dayend real default 17.00,
283 timezone text default 'Etc/UTC',
284 */
285 function changeDefault($data) {
286 $temp = <<<_TEMP
288 id integer,
289 uid text,
290 pwd text,
291 userrole integer,
292 timeout integer,
293 userview text,
294 weekstart integer,
295 daystart real,
296 dayend real,
297 timezone text,
298 seckey text,
299 pubkey text
300 )
301 _TEMP;
302 $table = <<<_TABLE
303 CREATE TABLE user (
304 id integer primary key autoincrement,
305 uid text not null,
306 pwd text not null,
307 userrole integer not null,
308 timeout integer default __TIMEOUT__,
309 userview text default '__VIEW__',
310 weekstart integer default __WEEKSTART__,
311 daystart real default __DAYSTART__,
312 dayend real default __DAYEND__,
313 timezone text default '__TIMEZONE__',
314 seckey text default '',
315 pubkey text default '',
316 constraint uid_index unique (uid)
317 constraint userrole_fk foreign key (userrole) references roles (id)
318 on delete restrict
319 on update cascade
320 on insert cascade
321 )
322 _TABLE;
323 $table = str_replace('__TIMEOUT__', $data['TIMEOUT'], $table);
324 $table = str_replace('__VIEW__', $data['VIEW_STYLE'], $table);
325 $table = str_replace('__WEEKSTART__', $data['WEEK_START_SUNDAY'], $table);
326 $table = str_replace('__DAYSTART__', $data['START_HOUR'], $table);
327 $table = str_replace('__DAYEND__', $data['END_HOUR'], $table);
328 $table = str_replace('__TIMEZONE__', $data['TIMEZONE'], $table);
329 $this->beginTransaction();
330 if ($this->exec($temp) === FALSE) {
331 $err = "$sql\n";
332 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
333 $this->rollBack();
334 return $err;
335 }
336 if ($this->exec('insert into tmpuser select * from user') === FALSE) {
337 $err = "cp to tmp table\n";
338 $err .= $this->getMsg($this)."\n";
339 $this->rollBack();
340 return $err;
341 }
342 if ($this->exec('drop table user') === FALSE) {
343 $err = "drop user table\n";
344 $err .= $this->getMsg($this)."\n";
345 $this->rollBack();
346 return $err;
347 }
348 if ($this->exec($table) === FALSE) {
349 $err = "create table\n";
350 $err .= $this->getMsg($this)."\n";
351 $this->rollBack();
352 return $err;
353 }
354 if ($this->exec('insert into user select * from tmpuser') === FALSE) {
355 $err = "cp tmp to user table\n";
356 $err .= $this->getMsg($this)."\n";
357 $this->rollBack();
358 return $err;
359 }
360 if ($this->exec('drop table tmpuser') === FALSE) {
361 $err = "drop user table\n";
362 $err .= $this->getMsg($this)."\n";
363 $this->rollBack();
364 return $err;
365 }
366 $this->commit();
367 return TRUE;
368 }
370 function deleteUser($uid) {
371 $sql = "delete from user where uid = ?";
372 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
373 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
374 $err = "$sql\n";
375 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
376 return $err;
377 }
378 $this->beginTransaction();
379 $sth->execute(array($uid));
380 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
381 $this->rollBack();
382 $err = "$sql\n";
383 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
384 return $err;
385 }
386 $this->commit();
387 return TRUE;
388 }
390 function addCalendar($uid, CalendarInfo $cal) {
391 //$fp = fopen('/tmp/add_calender.log', 'a');
392 //fwrite($fp, "New calendar\nUID: $uid\nname: {$cal->name}\nColor: {$cal->color}\nConfig: {$cal->config}\n");
393 $this->beginTransaction();
394 $sql = "select id from user where uid = ?";
395 //fwrite($fp, "Get ID: $sql\n");
396 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
397 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
398 $err = "$sql\n";
399 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
400 $this->rollBack();
401 return $err;
402 }
403 $sth->execute(array($uid));
404 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
405 $err = "$sql\n";
406 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
407 $this->rollBack();
408 return $err;
409 }
410 $sth->bindColumn(1, $id);
411 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
412 $err = "$sql\n";
413 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
414 $this->rollBack();
415 return $err;
416 }
417 $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND);
418 //fwrite($fp, "Returned user ID: $id\n");
419 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
420 $err = "$sql\n";
421 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
422 $this->rollBack();
423 return $err;
424 }
425 $sth->closeCursor();
426 $sql = "insert into calendar (uid, name, color, config)
427 values ($id,?,?,?)";
428 //var_dump($sql);
429 //fwrite($fp, "Insert into calendar: $sql\n");
430 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
431 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
432 $err = "$sql\n";
433 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
434 $this->rollBack();
435 return $err;
436 }
437 $sth->execute(array($cal->name,$cal->color,$cal->config));
438 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
439 $err = "$sql\n";
440 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
441 $this->rollBack();
442 return $err;
443 }
444 $sth->closeCursor();
445 $sth = $this->prepare('select max(id) from calendar');
446 $sth->execute();
447 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
448 $err = "$sql\n";
449 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
450 $this->rollBack();
451 return $err;
452 }
453 $sth->bindColumn(1, $id);
454 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
455 $err = "$sql\n";
456 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
457 $this->rollBack();
458 return $err;
459 }
460 $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND);
461 //fwrite($fp, "Returned ID for created calendar: $id\n");
462 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
463 $err = "$sql\n";
464 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
465 $this->rollBack();
466 return $err;
467 }
468 $sth->closeCursor();
469 $this->commit();
470 /* $sql = "select * from calendar where id = $id";
471 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
472 $sth->execute();
473 $result = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
474 if ($result)
475 fwrite($fp, var_export($result[0], TRUE) . "\n");
476 else
477 fwrite($fp, "No date found in calendar relation\n");
478 fclose($fp);*/
479 return $id;
480 }
482 function deleteCalendar($uid, $id) {
483 $this->beginTransaction();
484 $sql = "select id from user where uid = ?";
485 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
486 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
487 $err = "$sql\n";
488 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
489 $this->rollBack();
490 return $err;
491 }
492 $sth->execute(array($uid));
493 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
494 $err = "$sql\n";
495 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
496 $this->rollBack();
497 return $err;
498 }
499 $sth->bindColumn(1, $uid);
500 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
501 $err = "$sql\n";
502 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
503 $this->rollBack();
504 return $err;
505 }
506 $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND);
507 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
508 $err = "$sql\n";
509 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
510 $this->rollBack();
511 return $err;
512 }
513 $sth->closeCursor();
514 $sql = "delete from calendar where id = ? and uid = $uid";
515 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
516 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
517 $err = "$sql\n";
518 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
519 $this->rollBack();
520 return $err;
521 }
522 $sth->execute(array($id));
523 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
524 $err = "$sql\n";
525 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
526 $this->rollBack();
527 return $err;
528 }
529 $this->commit();
530 return TRUE;
531 }
533 function updateCalendar($uid, $id, CalendarInfo $cal) {
534 $this->beginTransaction();
535 $sql = "select id from user where uid = ?";
536 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
537 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
538 $err = "$sql\n";
539 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
540 $this->rollBack();
541 return $err;
542 }
543 $sth->execute(array($uid));
544 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
545 $err = "$sql\n";
546 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
547 $this->rollBack();
548 return $err;
549 }
550 $sth->bindColumn(1, $uid);
551 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
552 $err = "$sql\n";
553 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
554 $this->rollBack();
555 return $err;
556 }
557 $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND);
558 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
559 $err = "$sql\n";
560 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
561 $this->rollBack();
562 return $err;
563 }
564 $sth->closeCursor();
565 $sql = "update calendar set name = ?, color = ?, config = ?
566 where id = ? and uid = $uid";
567 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
568 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
569 $err = "$sql\n";
570 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
571 $this->rollBack();
572 return $err;
573 }
574 $sth->execute(array($cal->name,$cal->color,$cal->config,$id));
575 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
576 $err = "$sql\n";
577 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
578 $this->rollBack();
579 return $err;
580 }
581 $this->commit();
582 return TRUE;
583 }
585 function changePassword($uid, $pwd) {
586 $this->beginTransaction();
587 $sql = "update user set pwd = ? where uid = ?";
588 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
589 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
590 $err = "$sql\n";
591 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
592 return $err;
593 }
594 $sth->execute(array($pwd,$uid));
595 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
596 $this->rollBack();
597 $err = "$sql\n";
598 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
599 return $err;
600 }
601 $this->commit();
602 return TRUE;
603 }
605 function getAllUsers($limit, $offset) {
606 $sql = "select u.uid, r.name as userrole from user u, roles r
607 where u.userrole = r.id limit ? offset ?";
608 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
609 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
610 $err = "$sql\n";
611 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
612 return $err;
613 }
614 $sth->execute(array($limit,$offset));
615 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
616 $err = "$sql\n";
617 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
618 return $err;
619 }
620 return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
621 }
623 function getRoles() {
624 $sql = "select id, name from roles order by id desc";
625 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
626 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
627 $err = "$sql\n";
628 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
629 return $err;
630 }
631 $sth->execute();
632 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
633 $err = "$sql\n";
634 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
635 return $err;
636 }
637 return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
638 }
640 function getRoleName($id) {
641 $sql = "select name from roles where id = ?";
642 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
643 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
644 $err = "$sql\n";
645 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
646 return $err;
647 }
648 $sth->execute(array($id));
649 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
650 $err = "$sql\n";
651 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
652 return $err;
653 }
654 return $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
655 }
657 function getVersion() {
658 $version = array('version' => 0);
659 $sql = "select count(*) as exist from sqlite_master where
660 type = 'table' and tbl_name = 'about'";
661 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
662 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
663 $err = "$sql\n";
664 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
665 return $err;
666 }
667 $sth->execute();
668 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
669 $err = "$sql\n";
670 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
671 return $err;
672 }
673 $res = $sth->fetch();
674 if ($res['exist'] > 0) {
675 $sql = "select version from about where id = 1";
676 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
677 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
678 $err = "$sql\n";
679 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
680 return $err;
681 }
682 $sth->execute();
683 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
684 $err = "$sql\n";
685 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
686 return $err;
687 }
688 $res = $sth->fetch();
689 $version = $res;
690 }
691 return $version;
692 }
694 function execute($sql) {
695 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
696 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
697 $err = "$sql\n";
698 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
699 return $err;
700 }
701 $sth->execute();
702 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
703 $err = "$sql\n";
704 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
705 return $err;
706 }
707 return true;
708 }
710 function getCalendarConfig($id) {
711 if ($id == -1) {
712 $sql = "select id, config from calendar";
713 }
714 else {
715 $sql = "select id, config from calendar where id = ?";
716 }
717 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
718 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
719 $err = "$sql\n";
720 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
721 return $err;
722 }
723 $sth->execute(array($id));
724 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
725 $err = "$sql\n";
726 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
727 return $err;
728 }
729 return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
730 }
732 function nextTableNumber($name) {
733 $sql = "select count(*) as found from sqlite_master where " .
734 "type = 'table' and name like ?";
735 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
736 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
737 $err = "$sql\n";
738 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
739 return $err;
740 }
741 $sth->execute(array($name . '%'));
742 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
743 $err = "$sql\n";
744 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
745 return $err;
746 }
747 $res = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
748 return $res['found'];
749 }
751 function getLdapConfig() {
752 $sql = "select enable, dns, tls, base_dn, user_attr from ldap";
753 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
754 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
755 $err = "$sql\n";
756 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
757 return $err;
758 }
759 $sth->execute();
760 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
761 $err = "$sql\n";
762 $err .= $this->getMsg($sth)."\n";
763 return $err;
764 }
765 return $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
766 }
768 function setLdapConfig(array $config) {
769 $old_config = $this->getLdapConfig();
770 if (! is_array($old_config) && $old_config)
771 return $old_config;
772 else if (is_array($old_config))
773 $sql = "update ldap set enable=?, dns=?, tls=?, base_dn=?, user_attr=?";
774 else
775 $sql = "insert into ldap values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
776 $this->beginTransaction();
777 $sth = $this->prepare($sql);
778 if (! $sth) {
779 $err = "$sql\n";
780 foreach ($this->errorInfo() as $info)
781 $err .= "$info\n";
782 $this->rollBack();
783 return $err;
784 }
785 $sth->execute($config);
786 if ($sth->errorCode() && $sth->errorCode() != '00000') {
787 $this->rollBack();
788 $err = "$sql\n";
789 foreach ($this->errorInfo() as $info)
790 $err .= "$info\n";
791 return $err;
792 }
793 $this->commit();
794 return true;
795 }
797 }
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